Congress calls for preserving security & not being drawn into suspicious calls

Yemen News Agency SABA
Congress calls for preserving security & not being drawn into suspicious calls
[23/ September/2024]
The General Secretariat of the General People's Congress congratulated the great Yemenis on the Yemeni Revolution, September 26, October 14 and November 30 anniversaries.

In a statement received by the Yemeni News Agency (Saba), the General Secretariat of the Congress emphasized its keenness on the unity , cohesion of the internal front and its refusal to compromise the stability state and public tranquility, calling on the Congressmen , women and all their supporters not to be drawn behind propaganda, calls and suspicious gatherings that will not benefit anyone.

The General Secretariat also emphasized that the celebrations of the Yemeni Revolution Days should be carried out in accordance with the law and not in the streets and damaging public and private property.

It emphasized that those who commit acts that disturb security and stability under any name do not represent the General People's Congress, but rather represent themselves.