Taiz solar agent reviews irrigation canals project in district of At Ta'iziyah


Yemen News Agency SABA
Taiz solar agent reviews irrigation canals project in district of At Ta'iziyah
[23/ September/2024]
Taiz - Saba: Today, Abdul Wasa Al-Shamsi, the Undersecretary of Taiz Governorate for Development and Services Affairs, received a briefing on the project to construct irrigation canals in the Al-Qayadi area of the At Ta'iziyah district. This initiative, carried out by the Social Fund for Development, has an allocated budget of 107 million riyals.

During the visit, the solar agent, accompanied by Engineer Abdullah Al-Janadi from the governorate's development team, Iyad Ohaj, the Bonyan Foundation coordinator, and Amer Al-Ahdal, the Executive Director of the Agricultural Cooperative Union in the governorate, received a briefing on the requirements for building a water dam and the types of crops being cultivated in the area.

Al-Shamsi pointed out that the project of the sub-Saharan waterways in the At Ta'iziyah district and area and neighboring villages contributes to the expansion of agriculture and increase agricultural production, especially in crops such as guava, coffee significantly, and maize and slender.

Al-Shamsi noted the importance of the project in improving agricultural production in the directorate, to be a tributary to the agricultural aspect in the markets, and an effective contributor to reducing the import bill, and bringing about a national community agricultural renaissance at the level of the directorate and the governorate to reach self-sufficiency locally.

Mohammed Murshid, deputy director of the Social Fund for Development in the province, explained that the lengths of the canals reach three and a half kilometers, branching between the valleys and neighboring villages in the isolation of Qayad in the condolence district.

He pointed out that the project will be completed within six months with funding and implementation from the Social Fund for Development, at a cost of 107 million riyals, benefiting 30,000 people from farmers' families, as the project aims to irrigate 54 hectares of agricultural land through irrigation channels.