Mahweet's Bani Saad hosts mass rally on September 21 revolution anniversary

Yemen News Agency SABA
Mahweet's Bani Saad hosts mass rally on September 21 revolution anniversary
[24/ September/2024]
MAHWEET - SABA: Thousands on Tuesday gathered in Bani Saad district of Mahweet province for a popular parade, marking the tenth anniversary of the September 21 revolution and expressing solidarity with Palestinians and Lebanese amid ongoing regional tensions.

In a display of national fervor and regional solidarity, residents of Bani Saad district staged a mass rally commemorating the tenth anniversary of the September 21 Revolution.

The event, organized by general mobilization forces, also served as a platform to voice support for the Palestinian and Lebanese peoples.

Participants, including recent military graduates, demonstrated their readiness to defend national interests and support resistance movements. Chants echoing through the crowd emphasized themes of dignity, sovereignty, and unwavering commitment to the goals of the September 21 revolution.

Local officials addressed the gathering, praising the sacrifices made by Mahweet's residents in defense of Yemen. They stressed the importance of national unity and strong leadership in supporting the Palestinian cause and resisting what they termed as imperialist aggression.

The rally's speakers framed the current geopolitical situation as a critical juncture, describing it as a decisive battle between right and wrong. This rhetoric underscored a prevailing sentiment of pride and determination among the attendees.