Hajjah's health sector celebrates September 21 Revolution 10th anniversary


Yemen News Agency SABA
Hajjah's health sector celebrates September 21 Revolution 10th anniversary
[24/ September/2024]
HAJJAH - SABA : The Health Office and the Republican Hospital Authority in Hajjah Province organized on Tuesday a cultural event to mark the glorious September 21 Revolution tenth anniversary.

At the event, which was attended by the Director of the Health Office in the province, Dr. Ahmed Al-Kahlani, and the deputy heads of the Republican Hospital Authority, the Deputy Director of the Health Office, Dr. Khaled Al-Naziri, pointed to the importance of preserving the gains of the September 21 Revolution, continuing the process of construction , development, strengthening steadfastness and fortitude in the face of current challenges.

He pointed to the September 21 Revolution's achievement of the Yemeni people's aspirations for freedom and independence and its proven sincerity and loyalty to the people and its rejection of injustice and tyranny.

For his part, Hussein Jahaf, a member of the Yemeni Scholars Association, discussed the reality of Yemen before the September 21 Revolution , the gains and achievements it achieved, which restored Yemen's reputation and status in the Arab and international arenas, as well as the steps taken to build the army and military capabilities.

He reviewed what has been achieved in the field of industrializing the deterrent force that targets sensitive sites deep inside the Zionist enemy, rebuilding the security services that thwarted the enemies' plans, and the growing societal awareness of the dangers of the aggression, its ambitions and the nature of the Arab-Zionist conflict.