Initiating implementation of interventions, distributing aid to those impacted by floods in Abs

Yemen News Agency SABA
Initiating implementation of interventions, distributing aid to those impacted by floods in Abs
[24/ September/2024]
Hajjah - Saba: Today, the Hajjah Governorate branch of the Supreme Council for Humanitarian Affairs launched relief interventions and began distributing aid to the flood-affected individuals in the Abs district.

The initiatives carried out by Generation al-Binaa, with funding from UNHCR, encompassed building residential units for 250 families impacted by the crisis, along with providing shelter kits, barrels, and mosquito nets.

The initiatives carried out by the Norwegian Council encompass the provision of shelter kits to two hundred families impacted in the Al-Kheddish camp within the district.

The interventions implemented by the Yemen Red Crescent Society in the governorate, funded by the International Committee of the Red Cross, include the distribution of cloth or plastic covers and mosquito nets to 571 affected families in Abs, Dabaya, Al-Mahathra, Al-Maqa'sha, Mawaddah, and Al-Nasiri camps.

At the inauguration, the director of the Supreme Council branch, Allan Fadael, explained that the aid comes as part of the relief plan's efforts to alleviate the suffering of families affected by the floods in the targeted areas.

He noted the role of humanitarian partners that keep pace with the needs of the governorate's directorates.

The director of the directorate, Ali Sawan, appreciated the interest of the governorate's leadership and the Supreme Council in alleviating the suffering of those affected by the floods in the directorate.