September 21 Revolution is safeguarded by will of people, preserving its achievements is national duty

Yemen News Agency SABA
September 21 Revolution is safeguarded by will of people, preserving its achievements is national duty
[24/ September/2024]
Sana'a-Saba: The sheikhs and dignitaries of the Bani Al-Harith district in Sanaa's capital have affirmed their unity with the leadership, armed forces, and security personnel in countering the plots of the aggressors and their instruments, safeguarding the nation, and upholding the accomplishments of the September 21 revolution.

They pointed out in separate conversations to Saba on the sidelines of the tribal meeting of the people of the directorate today on the occasion of the September 21 revolution, to continue mobilizing and strengthening readiness to confront the American and Zionist aggression, and to stand firmly against any attempt to disturb public tranquility.

The sheikhs, notables and members of the Bani al-Harith tribe renewed their support and absolute mandate for the leader of the revolution, Sayyid. Abdul Malik Badr al-Din al-Houthi, and their readiness and full readiness to fight the battle of "the promised conquest and holy jihad" to support and support the brothers in Gaza and Palestine and the mujahideen of the axis of resistance to deter the Zionist enemy entity and its supporters, America and Britain.