China tests intercontinental ballistic missile

Yemen News Agency SABA
China tests intercontinental ballistic missile
[25/ September/2024]
BEIJING - (Saba): China's defense ministry said the Chinese military on Wednesday conducted a missile test by firing an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) over the Pacific Ocean.

‘The missile force of the People's Liberation Army (Chinese army) fired an intercontinental ballistic missile carrying a dummy warhead on the high seas of the Pacific Ocean at 08:44 on September 25th, and the missile landed precisely in the predetermined sea area,’ the ministry said in a statement, without specifying exactly where the missile landed or its nature.

‘The missile launch is part of the missile force's annual routine training program,’ the ministry said in its statement.

It added that the test ‘effectively tested the performance of weapons and equipment as well as the level of training of the forces, and achieved the desired goal.

In its statement, the Ministry of Defense noted that the ‘relevant countries’ for this missile test, i.e. those within or near the missile's trajectory, were informed in advance.

It is noteworthy that intercontinental ballistic missiles are considered one of the most powerful weapons in the world and can carry nuclear warheads.

In recent decades, China has conducted a massive modernization of its military and is increasing its military budget every year in parallel with its economic growth.