Reuters: Hezbollah tunnels, its flexible leadership remain steadfast in face of Zionist strikes

Yemen News Agency SABA
Reuters: Hezbollah tunnels, its flexible leadership remain steadfast in face of Zionist strikes
[25/ September/2024]
Beirut – Saba: The news agency "Reuters" quoted informed sources, on Wednesday, that "the flexible leadership of Hezbollah and its extensive tunnel network and arsenal of weapons, help it withstand the Zionist strikes.

According to three sources familiar with Hezbollah's operations, Hezbollah's flexible chain of command, along with its extensive tunnel network and huge arsenal of rockets and weapons it has reinforced over the past year, is helping it withstand unprecedented Zionist strikes.

The sources said that although this is a major blow to the "chain of assassinations", it "represents only a fraction of Hezbollah's strength," which a US congressional report on Friday estimated at between 40,000 and 50,000 fighters.

Besides Hezbollah's manpower, it has been transporting missiles to Lebanon at a rapid pace, in anticipation of a protracted conflict, the sources said. The resistance sought to avoid all-out war.

Despite the claims of several Zionist officials that "50 percent of Hezbollah's rocket capabilities have been destroyed," the Zionist enemy army asserts that Hezbollah still has capabilities of various kinds.