Local Authority in Bayda mourns Sheikh Saif al-Ahmadi


Yemen News Agency SABA
Local Authority in Bayda mourns Sheikh Saif al-Ahmadi
[26/ September/2024]
BAYDA - SABA: The leadership of the local authority in Bayda province has expressed profound sorrow over the passing of Sheikh Saif al-Tam Amer al-Ahmadi, who died at the age of 80 after a lifetime dedicated to service.

In a statement, the local authority highlighted Sheikh al-Ahmadi’s significant contributions to his community, noting his influential role in resolving societal disputes and fostering reconciliation.

His steadfast stance against aggression and extremist elements was also recognized, as was his commitment to mobilizing support for local defense efforts.

The authority extended its heartfelt condolences to the deceased's family members in al-Quraishiyah district, as well as to the tribes of Qifah. It prayed for divine mercy upon Sheikh al-Ahmadi and for patience and solace for his family during this difficult time.