Completion of two water projects in Al-Maghrabah District, Hajjah Governorate

Yemen News Agency SABA
Completion of two water projects in Al-Maghrabah District, Hajjah Governorate
[26/ September/2024]
Hajjah - Saba: The branch of the Supreme Council for Humanitarian Affairs in Hajjah Governorate handed over to the local council in Al-Maghrabah district in Hajjah governorate, today, the Bani Al-Saadat and Bani Basaan water projects, at $ 202,000.

The Bani Saadat water project includes the construction of a water tank with a capacity of 40 m3, a water submersible with a 18.5 kW engine, the supply and installation of a solar-powered pumping unit with a capacity of 29,000 watts, and a galvanized iron pumping and liquefaction line of different diameters with a length of 8,352 meters.

The project, implemented by the international organization "CARE" at a cost of one hundred thousand dollars, benefits about 4,500 people from the villages of Bani Al-Saadat, Bani Shoum, Bani Dakar and Al-Sharisa.

The $102,000 Beni Basaan water project, which benefits 2,000 people, includes the construction of a 40 m3 water tank and a water submersible with a 18.5 kW engine, the supply and installation of a 29,000-watt solar-powered pumping unit, and a galvanized iron pumping and liquefaction line of various diameters with a length of 9,000 and 18 meters.