151 operations were performed in Eyes camp in Al-Udayn branch district in Ibb


Yemen News Agency SABA
151 operations were performed in Eyes camp in Al-Udayn branch district in Ibb
[26/ September/2024]

Ibb - Saba: During the 62nd free ophthalmology camp, the Affected Communities Health Care Association, in coordination with the Ministry of Health at the Al-Udayn Branch Directorate in Ibb Governorate, successfully performed 151 surgeries.

Dr. Nashwan Al-Attab, the president of the association, informed Saba that the procedures were divided into 108 cataract extractions and 43 conjunctival pterygium removals, with funding provided by Yemen Mobile Company.

The number of beneficiaries of the examinations in the camp, which was set up at Al-Mazahen Rural Hospital and lasted six days in cooperation with the health office in the province, is one thousand and 124 cases from poor families, he said.

Dr. Al-Attab stressed that the camp comes as a practical embodiment of the meanings of mercy and solidarity carried by the anniversary of the Prophet's birthday, and based on the guidance of the Prophet of Mercy and the principles of the September 21 revolution, and targets the vulnerable in the directorate. He praised the humanitarian role of Yemen Mobile and its support for the medical camp.