Popular march in Old Sana'a District in celebration


Yemen News Agency SABA
Popular march in Old Sana'a District in celebration
[27/ September/2024]
SANA'A - Saba: The Old Sana'a District in the capital witnessed today an armed popular march as part of the celebration of the tenth anniversary of the glorious September 21 Revolution and in solidarity with the Palestinian and Lebanese peoples.

The participants in the march toured a number of streets and neighborhoods of the district and alleys of the Old City of Sana'a, with the participation of the Director of the District Mahdi Arhab and the Director of Mobilization in the District Rizq Al-Gharara and a number of officials from the district, graduates of the Tufan Al-Aqsa courses, sheikhs and legal secretaries, social figures, scout students and community committees.