Hodeida witnesses 69 marches for solidarity with Gaza, Lebanon


Yemen News Agency SABA
Hodeida witnesses 69 marches for solidarity with Gaza, Lebanon
[27/ September/2024]
HODEIDA - SABA: Hodeida province on Friday held million-man marches across 69 squares in support of the Palestinian and Lebanese peoples.

The demonstrations were organized under the slogan "Yemen of Faith in Jihad and Steadfastness with Gaza and Lebanon," with significant attendance led by local officials, including province undersecretary Ahmed al-Bishri.

Participants chanted against ongoing Zionist aggression and expressed solidarity with the victims of violence in Gaza and Lebanon.

The participants condemned the complicity of Western nations in these actions and called for unified resistance against the Zionist entity.

They emphasized the need for collective efforts across various sectors—military, political, economic, and cultural—to confront the threats posed by the Zionist enemy.

The participants issued a statement at the end of the marches highlighted the commitment to weekly demonstrations until victory is achieved, as well as satisfaction with advancements in military capabilities, including hypersonic missiles.

They condemned the humanitarian crisis in Gaza and Lebanon and reaffirmed their unwavering support for the Palestinian cause, condemning the lack of action from Arab nations and the international community.