Mohammed al-Houthi condoles on Ahmed al-Marani death

Yemen News Agency SABA
Mohammed al-Houthi condoles on Ahmed al-Marani death
[27/ September/2024]
SANA'A - (Saba): Member of the Supreme Political Council Mohammad Ali al-Houthi sent a cable of condolences on the death of Ahmad Salah al-Marani, after a long life of giving.

In the cable of condolences he sent to Hassan Salah Al-Marani, his brothers, Dr. Yahiya Ahmed Al-Marani and Mohammed Ali Al-Marani, the member of the Supreme Political Council praised the merits of the deceased and his contributions in the service of science.

He expressed sincere condolences and sympathy to the deceased's children, family, students, lovers and all the al-Marani family. He prayed to Allah Almighty to have mercy on the deceased and to grant his family and relatives patience and solace.

We belong to Allah and to Him we return.