People of Taiz gather in 12 squares with marches "Yemen of faith in jihad and steadfastness with Gaza and Lebanon"

Yemen News Agency SABA
People of Taiz gather in 12 squares with marches
[27/ September/2024]
Taiz - Saba: Today, the people of Taiz governorate gathered in 12 squares in mass rallies under the slogan "Yemen of faith in jihad and steadfastness with Gaza and Lebanon", confirming the continued solidarity and comprehensive support for the Palestinian and Lebanese peoples.

The Great Prophet Square in Mawiyah Junction in the district of At Ta'iziyah witnessed mass crowds in the presence of the governorate's mobilization official Muhammad al-Khalidi, some provincial agents, directors of executive offices, military and security leaders, social figures and a group of citizens.

The center of Khadir district witnessed a mass march of the people of the eastern square districts, to denounce the crimes of the usurping Zionist entity in Gaza and all of Palestine and Lebanon.

The city's residential squares in Maqbanah district in Al-Barh area, Al-Orf, Souq Al-Nasr in Suqm, the central and western squares, Al-Mashareb on Al-Arbaeen Street in Al-Taiziya District, the squares of the district center - and the northern square in Nakhleh Bridge in Shara'b As Salam district, and Mawiyah, and the district center in Shara'b Ar Rawnah district, witnessed mass marches to confirm the continuation of solidarity with the Palestinian and Lebanese peoples.

The square of the districts of Haifan and Al-Mawasit - Al-Athaur - in Al-Khazja Square, and the Square of Masaher - in the district of Hayfan Al-Arouk, witnessed solidarity marches with the participation of some members of the Shura Council, deputy governors, directors of executive offices and directorates, military and security leaders, social figures and scholars.

The participants stressed that Yemen continues to stand by the Palestinian and Lebanese resistance, to confront the Zionist enemy entity supported by the United States and Europe, noting that the Yemeni flood continues and there is no choice but to stick to and stand by the national leadership until the completion of the liberation process and get rid of hegemony and external tutelage.