Massive marches in Iranian cities condemning Zionist entity crimes

Yemen News Agency SABA
Massive marches in Iranian cities condemning Zionist entity crimes
[27/ September/2024]
TEHRAN - SABA: On Friday, Iranian cities witnessed mass marches in which thousands participated, condemning the brutal crimes committed by the criminal Zionist entity in Lebanon and the Gaza Strip.

The Iranians participating in the marches unanimously

in a statement expressed their support for the resistance in Lebanon as an effective force in confronting the fascist Zionist aggression, stressing that the resistance front will continue with all its strength to confront the Zionist enemy.

The participants warned the United Nations and international organizations in their statement of the repercussions of the Zionist crimes on security and stability in the region and the world as a whole, calling for action to stop the aggression and end the nightmare of insecurity that has continued for seventy years in West Asia by restoring the Palestinian people's right to self-determination.

The participants urged independent governments and free countries in the world, especially Islamic and Arab countries, to stand up to this blatant injustice and brutal aggression practiced by the criminal Zionist gang, and not to abandon Gaza and Lebanon.Massive marches in Iranian cities condemning the crimes of the Zionist entity

Today, Friday, Iranian cities witnessed mass marches in which thousands participated, condemning the brutal crimes committed by the criminal Zionist entity in Lebanon and the Gaza Strip.

The Iranians participating in the marches unanimously

in a statement expressed their support for the resistance in Lebanon as an effective force in confronting the fascist Zionist aggression, stressing that the resistance front will continue with all its strength to confront the Zionist enemy.

The participants warned the United Nations and international organizations in their statement of the repercussions of the Zionist crimes on security and stability in the region and the world as a whole, calling for action to stop the aggression and end the nightmare of insecurity that has continued for seventy years in West Asia by restoring the Palestinian people's right to self-determination.

The participants urged independent governments and free countries in the world, especially Islamic and Arab countries, to stand up to this blatant injustice and brutal aggression practiced by the criminal Zionist gang, and not to abandon Gaza and Lebanon.