Diplomatic delegations withdraw from UN room as Netanyahu begins his speech


Yemen News Agency SABA
Diplomatic delegations withdraw from UN room as Netanyahu begins his speech
[27/ September/2024]
New York - Saba: Numerous diplomats exited the United Nations General Assembly session on Friday just as Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu began his address at the 79th session.

International media reported that whistling and boos were loud against Netanyahu inside the United Nations General Assembly, before delivering his speech, and some delegations left the hall, in an explicit expression of rejection of the policy pursued by the Zionist entity and the war it has been waging on Gaza since last October, and the massacres it is committing in Lebanon.

Shortly before Netanyahu went to the United Nations, the New York police carried out arrests of more than two dozen demonstrators, who had gathered in front of the residence of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in New York, ahead of his speech at the United Nations.

Before their arrest, demonstrators held banners demanding that Netanyahu be tried as a war criminal for the massacres he committed against Palestinians in Gaza.

Jewish Voice for Peace, which co-organized the protest, said NYPD had arrested 25 people, including actor Rowan Blanchard, outside the United Nations headquarters in downtown Manhattan.

As New Yorkers, we strongly condemn Prime Minister Netanyahu's attack on Lebanon and the genocide of Palestinians in Gaza, and we will continue to raise our dissenting voices until the U.S. government stops arming Israel and Palestinians can live in full freedom and dignity as they deserve.

Thousands of activists, members of human rights organizations, and Palestinian, Arab, and Muslim communities demonstrated in front of the residence of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in New York ahead of his speech at the United Nations General Assembly.

Participants poured into mass marches to reach Netanyahu's residence, chanting slogans against him and the crimes of genocide practiced by the enemy army against the Palestinians over a year, in addition to its aggression that began on Lebanon.