Hamas: Solidity of resistance in ]West Bank is safety valve to thwart annexation, displacement plans


Yemen News Agency SABA
Hamas: Solidity of resistance in ]West Bank is safety valve to thwart annexation, displacement plans
[27/ September/2024]

Ramallah - Saba: The Islamic Resistance Movement Hamas stressed that the solidity of the resistance in the West Bank and the legendary confrontation of the resistance during the repeated incursions of the enemy army into the areas of the West Bank, is evidence of the Palestinian people's adherence to their land until the defeat of the occupier.

The movement's leader, Abdul Rahman Shadid, said in a press statement on Friday that the armed clashes waged by the resistance factions, led by the Qassam Brigades, indicate that the Palestinians will continue the path of struggle against the Zionist enemy, despite the ugliness of its crimes committed alongside the settler herds.

He added that the enemy's attempts to put down the resistance in the West Bank will not succeed in the face of the strong will of the Palestinians, pointing out that the crimes of the Zionist enemy will backfire on him in anger and scourge until his thorn is broken and he leaves Palestine.

"The continuous escalation in the state of resistance will reach a wave of anger in the West Bank that will burn the occupier," he said, calling at the same time to clash with the enemy army by all available means and confront settler attacks.