Al-Rishq calls on heads of state to withdraw from UN meetings during Netanyahu's speech

Yemen News Agency SABA
Al-Rishq calls on heads of state to withdraw from UN meetings during Netanyahu's speech
[27/ September/2024]
Doha - Saba: A member of the political bureau of the Islamic Resistance Movement Hamas, Izzat al-Rishq, called on world leaders to withdraw from the meetings of the United Nations General Assembly held in New York during the speech of the "criminal" Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

Al-Rishq said in a statement on Friday that withdrawing from the meetings of the United Nations General Assembly held in New York during the speech of the "criminal Netanyahu" is the least duty to express rejection and condemnation of the genocidal war against the Palestinian people.

A member of Hamas' political bureau asked, "If Hitler were the one to speak at the UN General Assembly, would it be possible for world leaders to listen to him?" He pointed out that "Netanyahu, like Hitler, is the direct perpetrator of the crime of genocide in Gaza, which has been going on for about a year," and who expanded his aggression and terrorism by committing daily massacres against civilians in Lebanon.

"Netanyahu killed more than 41,000 Palestinian civilian martyrs, including 17,000 children and about 200 infants, destroyed hospitals, mosques, and churches, and poured 83,000 tons of explosives on Gaza and the tents of the displaced in it," he said.

He pointed out that "Netanyahu today continues his Nazi crime, disregarding and ignoring the UN Security Council resolution to stop it immediately, and ignoring the orders of the International Court of Justice, reassuring that the potential arrest warrant will have no impact due to the US-British-Western support for his crimes against humanity."

Al-Rishq concluded by saying that "security and world peace requires his arrest and accountability, and no less than interrupting his speech, and leaving him to address only those who have lost their sense of humanity and stood on the dark side of history that is being written now, and accepted for themselves and their peoples the shame of listening to this dehumanized monster."