After protest & departure of diplomatic delegations Netanyahu preaches war continuation from UN podium

Yemen News Agency SABA
After protest & departure of diplomatic delegations Netanyahu preaches war continuation from UN podium
[27/ September/2024]
NEW YORK - SABA : According to media sources in New York, whistling and chants against the head of the Zionist entity's government, Benjamin Netanyahu, inside the United Nations General Assembly hall before his speech, and the departure of a number of Arab, Islamic and international delegations.

According to Al-Mayadeen, today, Friday, the seats of Palestine, Iran, Qatar, Kuwait, Algeria and Saudi Arabia were seen empty before the start of Netanyahu's speech, and then a large number of delegations left the hall amid noise , chants of protest against Zionist crimes in Palestine and Lebanon.

A Zionist media platform reported that "more than ten delegates of countries in the United Nations exited the hall after Netanyahu entered," while enemy media indicated that "the Saudi delegate did not sit in the hall during Netanyahu's speech at the United Nations, unlike last year."

The Prime Minister of Slovenia, Robert Golub, called for "ending the Zionist occupation of Palestine and stopping the bloodshed of the Palestinians."

Addressing the United Nations General Assembly on Friday, Golub addressed the head of the Zionist entity's government, Benjamin Netanyahu, saying: "Let me send a clear message to the Israeli prime minister: Stop the bloodshed, stop the war, stop the suffering, end the occupation of Palestine."

While political commentator Gili Cohen told Channel 11 Zionism: "If Netanyahu's speech had to be summarized with a title, it would be: "The war will continue.