Tehran: US regime, along with Zionist entity, is accomplice in Dahiyeh crime & must be held accountable


Yemen News Agency SABA
Tehran: US regime, along with Zionist entity, is accomplice in Dahiyeh crime & must be held accountable
[27/ September/2024]
TEHRAN - SABA : Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Nasser Kanani strongly condemned the brutal and terrorist air attack launched by the Zionist entity on a number of residential buildings in Beirut's Dahiyeh district this afternoon.

Kanani was quoted by Tasnim News Agency on Friday evening as saying: This barbaric attack, which was carried out with bombs gifted by the US regime to the rebellious Zionist entity, besides being a blatant violation of the rules and regulations of international law as well as Lebanon's sovereignty, territorial integrity and national security, is a clear war crime that cannot be hidden, and therefore, without any doubt, the US regime, along with the Zionist entity, is a partner in the crime and must be held accountable.

Kanani continued: The escalation of the Zionists' frenzied attacks against Palestine , Lebanon , the fearless killing of citizens and innocent people is the result of the international community's inaction in the face of all these crimes and brutality.

Kanani considered the insane attacks launched by the Zionist child killers today on Beirut as an indication of the depth of the Zionist criminal gang's hatred against the Lebanese resistance , its desperation and inability to confront the brave Lebanese Islamic resistance forces on the battlefield.

In conclusion, the Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman declared his country's solidarity with Lebanon. He emphasized the Islamic Republic of Iran's unwavering support for the Lebanese people, government and resistance.