Kanaani: Zionist monster danger to everyone, inaction consequences will be reflected on world


Yemen News Agency SABA
Kanaani: Zionist monster danger to everyone, inaction consequences will be reflected on world
[28/ September/2024]
Tehran - Saba: Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Nasser Kanaani said the Zionist monster is a danger to the whole world and the consequences of the international community's inaction in the face of the entity's crimes will be reflected on the whole world.

According to Mehr News Agency, on Saturday, Kanani posted the image below on the social media network (X) and wrote: ‘The Zionist monster is a threat to the entire world: ‘The Zionist monster is a threat to the whole world.

He added: ‘In light of the inaction of international governments and assemblies, especially the UN Security Council, on the horrible and unprecedented crimes committed by the Zionist entity in Palestine and Lebanon and the full military, political and economic support of the United States for this criminal regime, the role of peoples in supporting Palestine and Lebanon is essential and decisive.

He stressed that the consequences of the international community's inaction in the face of the Zionist entity's crimes will soon be reflected on the world.