Zionist army raids occupied West Bank, arrests civilians


Yemen News Agency SABA
Zionist army raids occupied West Bank, arrests civilians
[28/ September/2024]
Ramallah - Saba: The Zionist enemy forces on Saturday launched a campaign of raids and arrests in a number of Palestinian cities in the occupied West Bank, amid heavy gunfire.

Palestinian media reported that the enemy forces stormed the town of Azzun in Qalqilia, with several vehicles roaming several streets and neighborhoods, amid heavy gunfire.

They indicated that the enemy forces were stationed in the Triangle area and fired at citizens' vehicles, with no injuries or arrests reported.

In Jericho, enemy forces stormed Aqbat Jaber camp, and assaulted young men near the town of Al-Auja in the north, beating them and spraying toxic gas on their faces, some of whom were transferred to Jericho Governmental Hospital.

In Nablus, enemy forces stormed Balata camp and Salem village, east of the city, from the Huwara checkpoint, and stationed in the market area, and arrested a teacher after raiding his house.

The enemy forces also stormed the town of Jaba, south of Jenin, with several military vehicles, and roamed several areas, amid clashes with the enemy forces, with no injuries reported.

On Friday evening, enemy forces closed Tayasir and Hamra checkpoints leading to the Jordan Valley areas.

Palestinian sources reported that enemy forces closed the two checkpoints in both directions, and soldiers turned back all vehicles at the checkpoints.

The checkpoints leading to the Jordan Valley have been witnessing, for about a year, great tightening by the enemy forces and impeding the movement of citizens to and from the Jordan Valley, and a complete closure from time to time, as part of the policy of collective punishment imposed by the occupation forces on citizens in the West Bank, by deploying military checkpoints and closing the entrances to many cities, towns and villages.

The closure has also affected the agricultural sector, on which the Jordan Valley depends heavily, due to obstructing the entry of farmers and laborers to agricultural lands, in addition to delaying and obstructing the output of agricultural products to the markets.