Sayyed Khamenei declares five days of mourning in Iran for Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah's martyrdom

Yemen News Agency SABA
Sayyed Khamenei declares five days of mourning in Iran for Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah's martyrdom
[28/ September/2024]
Tehran - saba : The Islamic Revolution Leader in Iran, Sayyed Ali Khamenei, emphasized that Resistance Leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah was not a person, but a method a school, and this method will continue.

According to Iran's Tasnim News Agency, he said, "The strikes of the Resistance Front on the decaying and dying Zionist entity will be more powerful and destructive with the help and strength of God." He declared five days of public mourning in the country for the martyrdom of the leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, announcing the leader's martyrdom .

The Islamic Revolution Leader sent a message on the occasion of the martyrdom of Hojjat al-Islam and Muslims Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, Secretary General of Hezbollah in Lebanon.

The following is the text of this message:

In the name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate
I belong to God and to Him I return
Dear Iranian people
The great Islamic nation

The great mujahid, the standard bearer of the resistance in the region and the world, the virtuous religious leader and the wise political leader, Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, was martyred last night in Lebanon and joined the Supreme Companion.

The dear master of resistance received the reward of tens of years of jihad for the sake of Allah and his hardships during the holy jihad. He was martyred while engaged in planning the defense of the people of the southern suburbs of Beirut , their destroyed houses and martyred loved ones, just as he planned, struggled and fought for decades to defend the oppressed people of Palestine , the usurped cities and villages, destroyed houses and martyred loved ones, and he received martyrdom after all this struggle , jihad, he received martyrdom after all this struggle and jihad.

The Islamic world has lost a great figure; the Resistance Front has lost an outstanding leader; Hezbollah has lost an unparalleled leader, but the blessings of his decades-long jihad will never be lost.

The manifesto that he established in Lebanon and directed to the other centers of resistance will not only not disappear with his loss, but will gain strength thanks to his blood and the blood of the other martyrs of this incident and will become more powerful and sober.

The Resistance Front's strikes on the Zionist entity's decaying , dying body will be more powerful , devastating with God's help and strength. The evil nature of the Zionist entity did not achieve victory in this incident.

The blood of the martyr Sayyed Abbas al-Musawi did not go in vain, and the blood of the martyr Sayyed Hassan will not go in vain.

I congratulate and console his virtuous wife, who also presented her son Sayyed Hadi before that for the sake of Allah, her virtuous sons and the families of the martyrs of this incident, every member of Hezbollah, the dear Lebanese people and its senior officials, the entire resistance front and the entire Islamic nation, on the martyrdom of the great Nasrallah , his martyred comrades, and I announce five days of public mourning in Islamic Iran. May Allah protect them with his righteous servants.

Peace be upon the righteous servants of God
Sayyed Ali Khamenei