Lebanese Resistance announces missile strike on Ketzrin settlement


Yemen News Agency SABA
Lebanese Resistance announces missile strike on Ketzrin settlement
[28/ September/2024]
Beirut - saba : The Islamic Resistance in Lebanon announced today, Saturday, that it shelled the Ketzrin settlement with a rocket bullet.

In a statement, the Islamic Resistance said: In support of our steadfast Palestinians in Gaza Strip, in support of their valiant and honorable resistance, in defense of Lebanon and its people, and in response to Israel's barbaric violation of cities, villages and civilians, the Mujahideen of the Islamic Resistance today, Saturday, shelled the settlement of Ketzrin with a missile bullet.

Earlier on Saturday, the Lebanese Resistance announced in a statement that its mujahideen had shelled the "Capri colony" with "Fadi 1" rockets.