Sayyed Sistani condoles: Martyr Nasrallah is rare model of leadership in recent decades

Yemen News Agency SABA
Sayyed Sistani condoles: Martyr Nasrallah is rare model of leadership in recent decades
[28/ September/2024]
Baghdad - saba : The supreme religious authority in Iraq, Sayyed Ali al-Sistani, mourned the Secretary General of Hezbollah, "the martyr Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah," stressing that the martyr Nasrallah is a rare leadership model in recent decades.

In a statement, Sayyed Sistani's office said, on Saturday, we received with great sorrow and regret the news of the martyrdom of Allama Hujjat al-Islam and Muslims Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah and a group of his brothers in the honorable Lebanese resistance and dozens of innocent civilians in the tragic massacre committed by the Israeli enemy army in the dear suburb of Beirut.

The statement added, "The great martyr was a rare leadership model in recent decades, and he played a distinguished role in the victory over the Israeli occupation by liberating the Lebanese territories, and supported the Iraqis with everything possible to liberate their country from ISIS terrorists, and took great positions in supporting the oppressed Palestinian people until he paid with his precious life as a price for that.

We offer our sincere condolences and deepest sympathy to the honorable Lebanese people , other oppressed peoples in this great grief , great loss, and we pray to the Almighty God to have mercy on the happy deceased , to gather him with his beloved Muhammad , his pure family in the highest Alayin, and to inspire his family and all those who mourn his loss with patience and solace. May Allah have mercy, may He gather his family and all those mourning his loss.