Sheikh Al-Razami condoles on Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah's martyrdom

Yemen News Agency SABA
Sheikh Al-Razami condoles on Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah's martyrdom
[28/ September/2024]
Sana'a - saba : Sheikh Abdullah Aidah Al-Razami expressed condolences on great leader and great mujahid martyrdom Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah - Secretary General of the Lebanese Hezbollah.

Sheikh Al-Razami expressed condolences to the martyred leader's family, the symbol of jihad, Hezbollah , its mujahideen, the Lebanese people, all jihad movements, and the Arab and Islamic nation for the martyrdom of this great leader who spent his life in jihad against the enemies of God, the Zionists and their American collaborators.

He emphasized that the method used by the brutal Zionist enemy in assassinating him showed the extent to which the Zionists and their collaborators are afraid of this great leader. He asked the Almighty to have mercy on the martyr Nasrallah, and to join him with his pure parents in the highest levels of Paradise.

"May God have mercy on him."