Yemeni Scholars Association: Sayyed Hassan crowned his life, concluded his struggle with martyrdom in way of Allah

Yemen News Agency SABA
Yemeni Scholars Association: Sayyed Hassan crowned his life, concluded his struggle with martyrdom in way of Allah
[29/ September/2024]
Sana'a - Saba : The Yemeni Scholars Association mourned the master of jihad and resistance, Secretary-General of Hezbollah Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah and his companions who were martyred after being targeted by the Zionist enemy's air raids in the southern suburbs of Beirut.

The association praised in a statement received by the Yemeni News Agency (Saba) a copy of it, the record of the martyr Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, full of victories he achieved against the occupier and after a flowing offering of lectures, speeches and wisdom he delivered to protect the sons of the nation from infiltration and raise morale in the face of the aggressive Zionists.

The statement praised the martyr's great balance of giving and presence in all fields of pride and honor, and crowned his life and concluded his struggle with martyrdom for the sake of Allah and sacrificed his soul in order to support the oppressed everywhere, especially in Gaza and Palestine, which he had always sought and a wish he had wished for, so he achieved it and Allah fulfilled what he had wished for, and he was crowned with the crown of dignity and bestowed upon him the medal of martyrdom.

The statement indicated that the martyr Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah ascended to his Creator as a righteous, happy, praiseworthy martyr, facing and not turning away for the sake of Allah and raising His word on the path of Quds and the dignity of the entire nation, and he left behind a jihadist legacy and martyrdom effect that makes the flame of jihad and resistance burning, and the liberation of Quds and Palestine a reality and the elimination of the Zionist entity inevitable and closer than ever before.

The statement said, "No matter how much the Zionist enemy thinks that by assassinating the great leaders it will stop the path of jihad and resistance, it is delusional. How many leaders have been martyred, but their blood has watered the tree of freedom and dignity, and the upward trend of the resistance movements has continued with greater strength and with a firmer, unyielding determination."