Al-Sudani: Assassination of Sayyid Nasrallah is criminal act that expresses reckless desire to expand conflict

Yemen News Agency SABA
Al-Sudani: Assassination of Sayyid Nasrallah is criminal act that expresses reckless desire to expand conflict
[29/ September/2024]

Baghdad - Saba: Iraqi Prime Minister Mohammed Shia al-Sudani mourned on Saturday Hizbullah Secretary-General Hassan Nasrallah. He stressed that the Zionist entity seeks to expand the conflict.

Al-Sudani said in a statement: "In a new sinful attack, and a crime that confirms the Zionist entity's transgression of all red lines, the Secretary-General of the Lebanese Hezbollah, Sayyid Hassan Nasrallah, rose as a martyr on the path of truth, to obtain the most beautiful in this world and the hereafter, and followed the path of the heroic martyrs who dedicated themselves to the cause of confronting the brutal occupation."

He added: "The criminal act that targeted the southern suburbs on Friday expresses the reckless desire to expand the conflict, at the expense of all the peoples of the region and their security and stability."

Al-Sudani pointed out that "major issues, including the just Palestinian cause, and Lebanon's brotherly confrontation with the continuous Zionist aggressions, all confirm that the peoples are the ones who will triumph in the end, over their land, and the home of their history and heritage."

Al-Sudani reiterated "the warning and affirmation, the responsibility of the United Nations and international organizations, the permanent members of the United Nations Security Council, and all countries with influence in the region, in deterring aggression and stopping the ethnic genocide of the Palestinians practiced by the occupation for decades, and practiced terribly, since last October against the people of Gaza, and recently extended, to try to harm the brotherly Lebanese people, so they continued to kill randomly until hundreds of innocent Lebanese were martyred in a few days, for the benefit of those who expand the aggression."

"On this day, we affirm Iraq's principled position of standing with the Palestinian and Lebanese peoples, and this position is based on international legitimacy and on humanitarian and moral principles that necessitate supporting brotherly peoples who are committed to their land and their civilized existence," he said.