Popular Parade, Maneuver of Mobilization Forces in Thi Naem, al-Zaher, Bayda


Yemen News Agency SABA
Popular Parade, Maneuver of Mobilization Forces in Thi Naem, al-Zaher, Bayda
[29/ September/2024]
Bayda - Saba: The General Mobilization Forces in Thi Naem and al-Zaher districts of Bayda province on Sunday organized a popular armed parade and maneuver in solidarity with the Palestinian and Lebanese people.

Participants demonstrated their full readiness to confront aggression forces and support the resistance movements in Palestine and Lebanon, raising banners and slogans of freedom.

During the parade, attended by local officials including province undersecretary Nasser al-Riyami, mobilization and security leaders emphasized their commitment to the "promised conquest and holy jihad" in support of Palestine until victory is achieved.

The participants also condemned the assassination of Hezbollah leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, affirming that such acts will not break the resolve of the resistance.

The mobilization forces praised the recent Yemeni military strikes targeting Zionist enemy sites and American warships in the Red Sea, reiterating their readiness for further escalation and mobilization in the ongoing battle against global arrogance.