Popular Front: Zionist aggression on Hodeida failed attempt, part of ongoing Genocide in Gaza, Lebanon


Yemen News Agency SABA
Popular Front: Zionist aggression on Hodeida failed attempt, part of ongoing Genocide in Gaza, Lebanon
[29/ September/2024]
Gaza - Saba: The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine has strongly condemned the recent Zionist bombing of civilian areas and facilities in Hodeida, describing it as a continuation of the extensive crimes perpetrated by the Zionist entity against Arab peoples, beginning in Gaza and extending to Lebanon, Syria, and now Yemen.

In a statement released, the Popular Front characterized this aggression as a desperate attempt by the occupying entity to distract from its failures in countering the significant strikes executed by the heroes of Yemen deep within the Zionist territory.

The Front asserted that the Zionist enemy would not be able to conduct such widespread bombings in Yemen without direct support from the United States, which provides political and military backing for these extensive crimes.

It also highlighted the complicity of certain reactionary Arab regimes that offer logistical support to the occupying entity.

The Popular Front expressed confidence that this Zionist aggression would not break the will or determination of the Yemeni people, stating that the response from the Yemeni armed forces would be severe and impactful, targeting the heartland of the Zionist entity, as has been the case in the past.

It affirmed that this aggression would not hinder Yemen's supportive role for the resistance in Gaza and Lebanon.