Oil Ministry reassures citizens of enough oil


Yemen News Agency SABA
Oil Ministry reassures citizens of enough oil
[29/ September/2024]
Sana'a - Saba : The Oil and Minerals Ministry reassured all citizens that there are sufficient quantities of oil stocks, and there is no need to worry and stampede at gasoline stations in the capital Sana'a and the provinces.

In a statement, Oil and Minerals Ministry called on citizens not to panic at oil stations and create unjustified crises, stressing that the stations continue to provide their services to citizens in their normal state, and there is no concern.

It reiterated its strong condemnation and denunciation of the barbaric raids launched by the Israeli and US aggression this evening on vital civilian facilities in Hodeida province, considering the targeting of the current and Ras Katnib power plants and Al-Arj electricity reservoirs a blatant violation of international and humanitarian norms and laws.

The statement pointed out that the blatant Israeli aggression against Yemen and its targeting of civilian objects, including power plants and oil tanks, reflects the barbarism, brutality and arrogance of the enemy entity, which is backed by the United States and Europe, and its attempt to double the Yemenis' suffering , dissuade them from their firm and principled positions in supporting the Palestinians, supporting their cause and their valiant resistance.

The statement held the international community, led by the United Nations, the Security Council, international organizations and humanitarian organizations, fully responsible for the Israeli-American aggression against the Yemenis and its blatant violation of the Republic of Yemen's sovereignty.