Local authority in Al-Hodeida condemns Zionist aggression targeting civilian facilities in province for second time


Yemen News Agency SABA
Local authority in Al-Hodeida condemns Zionist aggression targeting civilian facilities in province for second time
[29/ September/2024]
Hodeida - Saba : The local authority in Hodeida province condemned the brutal Israeli aggression, which targeted for the second time civilian facilities in the province, namely the current power stations, the port, Ras Khatib, oil tanks in Ras Issa port, and areas near Hodeida port, leaving four martyrs and 34 wounded in a preliminary toll, according to a statement received by the Yemeni News Agency (Saba).

In a statement received by the Yemeni News Agency (Saba), the local authority condemned the crimes that the Zionist entity continues to commit against the Arab peoples, starting from Gaza to Lebanon and Syria, and then Yemen.

The statement considered the US support for the Zionist entity and the suspicious role of some Arab regimes that provide logistical support to the occupation entity to commit these crimes as a disgrace against all countries and allies of this arrogant entity, which continues its war of mass extermination in Gaza and Lebanon.

The statement held the international community, led by the United Nations, the Security Council and international organizations, fully responsible for the blatant Israeli aggression on Hodeida and the targeting of service facilities with the aim of doubling the suffering of the Yemeni people.

The statement considered the Zionist entity's resumption of targeting civilian objects in Hodeida, in light of the shameful international silence, as war crimes against the Yemenis, and an extension of the crimes committed by the US-Saudi aggression coalition, which continues to implement plans that serve the Zionist entity's agendas in the region.

The statement emphasized that these raids and crimes will not deter the Yemeni people, including the people of Hodeida province, from Yemen's position in support of the grievances of the Palestinian people, and for the support of the religion of God and the oppressed in the face of the arrogant America, Israel and their lackeys.