Iraq's Fatah Alliance criticizes Arab silence over Zionist violations

Yemen News Agency SABA
Iraq's Fatah Alliance criticizes Arab silence over Zionist violations
[29/ September/2024]
Baghdad - Saba : A member of the Fatah Alliance in Iraq, Salam Hussein, confirmed on Sunday that the blood of Sayyed Nasrallah will open the fronts and fires on the usurping Zionist entity, pointing out that the Iraqi resistance will have its say in the coming days.

Hussein said that "the region is going through a global war between the axis of resistance , in front of it global arrogance and the axis of hostility to humanity represented by the Zionist entity and America," indicating that "the blood of Sayyed Nasrallah will open the fronts and fires on the usurper entity in the coming days by all the axis of resistance, headed by the Iraqi resistance."

He added that "America supports the Zionists with money , weapons, and this has become clear to the political and popular circles, and what the Zionist entity has done in Lebanon and Palestine is a terrorist act that cannot be silent or overlooked."

He pointed out that "the Arab silence and regional silence allowed and gave legitimacy to this usurping entity to commit all the massacres in Lebanon and Gaza."