Palestinian Resistance Committees condemn Zionist aggression against Yemen

Yemen News Agency SABA
Palestinian Resistance Committees condemn Zionist aggression against Yemen
[29/ September/2024]
Gaza - Saba : The media office of the Resistance Committees in Palestine condemned the barbaric Zionist aggression that targeted Hodeida city in Yemen, which resulted in a number of martyrs and wounded, stressing that this aggression will increase the strength of the Yemenis and their brave army.

The media office of the resistance committees added, in a statement on Sunday evening, that the fascist Zionist aggression on Yemen will not weaken the determination , will of the Yemenis and their courageous leadership, but will be echoed by new strikes, missiles and marches that strike the Zionist enemy's dens in the entity's depth.

In its statement, the Palestinian Resistance Committees saluted the Yemenis and their army, who support the Palestinian and Lebanese peoples with their actions and sacrifices, which prove the sincerity of their faith and devotion to their religion, their nation and their homeland.