Hamas: Zionist aggression against Yemen & Syria dangerous escalation


Yemen News Agency SABA
Hamas: Zionist aggression against Yemen & Syria dangerous escalation
[29/ September/2024]
Gaza - Saba : The Islamic Resistance Movement Hamas emphasized that the Zionist terrorist bombing on Yemen, its targeting of civilian facilities in Hodeida port , as well as the aggression this morning on Syria, is a dangerous escalation , an extension of the occupation's aggression and criminality in Palestine, Lebanon , the Arab region, with blatant and open American support.

In a statement on Sunday evening, Hamas condemned the brutal Zionist aggression on Yemen, expressing its full solidarity with the Yemenis , Ansar Allah movement in the face of the Zionist-American aggression, and valued their authentic position in continuing to support Palestine and winning the grievances of the Palestinians.

Hamas emphasized that "the criminal enemy will not harm the morale of our people or the peoples of our region, nor will it break the resolve of the resistance in Palestine, Lebanon, Yemen, Iraq and the region, which continues to destroy the strongholds of the Zionist enemy and make it pay for its crimes until it stops its aggression on the liberation path and return, God willing."