Transportation & Public Works Ministry condemns Israeli aggression on Al-Hodeida

Yemen News Agency SABA
Transportation & Public Works Ministry condemns Israeli aggression on Al-Hodeida
[29/ September/2024]
Sana'a - Saba : The Transport and Public Works Ministry condemned in the strongest terms the blatant Israeli aggression against Hodeida port, Ras Issa port, and the two power plants in the areas of "Al-Hali" and "Ras Khatib" in Al-Hodeida province.

In a statement received by the Yemeni News Agency (Saba), the Ministry of considered the brutal Israeli aggression against Hodeida province a flagrant violation of international conventions and laws that guarantee the protection of civilian infrastructure, and a clear attempt to deepen the Yemenis' suffering by targeting vital facilities that serve millions of citizens.

The statement pointed out that targeting ports, which constitute a vital artery for the passage of humanitarian aid , goods, and power plants that provide energy to civilians, is a war crime added to the record of Israel's ongoing crimes in the region.

The statement pointed out that the targeting of vital infrastructure in Hodeida by the Israeli enemy is a desperate attempt to undermine the decision of the Yemenis to strongly support the resistance in Gaza and Palestine, which they clearly declare in their weekly million-strong demonstrations.

The statement pointed out that these cowardly acts of aggression will not weaken the resolve and will of the proud Yemenis, nor will they retreat from their principled positions towards the central cause of the nation, Palestine.

It called on all international and humanitarian organizations to assume their responsibilities to condemn this barbaric aggression and take immediate measures to stop the repeated Israeli violations against the Yemenis and their civilian assets.