Assad: Martyr Sayyed Nasrallah will remain in our memory as sign of loyalty to his support for Syria

Yemen News Agency SABA
Assad: Martyr Sayyed Nasrallah will remain in our memory as sign of loyalty to his support for Syria
[29/ September/2024]
Damascus - Saba: Syrian President Bashar al-Assad stressed that the Secretary-General of Hezbollah, the martyr Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, will remain in the memory of the Syrians as a sign of loyalty to his support for Syria at the head of the Lebanese national resistance.

Assad said in a message addressed to the resistance in Lebanon and the family of the martyr Sayyed Nasrallah on Sunday: "At the heart of this loyalty, the name of the martyr Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah will remain immortal."

He added: The Lebanese national resistance will remain the shoulder that supports the Palestinian people in their struggle for their just cause... expressing his certainty that this resistance will complete the path of struggle and right in the face of the occupation.

Al-Assad stressed that "the resistance does not weaken with the martyrdom of its leader, but rather remains firmly rooted in the hearts and minds", pointing out that "the resistance is an idea and a thought, and the martyr Nasrallah is its memory and history, and he will never be a legend, but will remain an approach that produces reality."