Shura Council condemns Zionist aggression on civilian objects in Al-Hodeida

Yemen News Agency SABA
Shura Council condemns Zionist aggression on civilian objects in Al-Hodeida
[29/ September/2024]
Sana'a - Saba : The Shura Council condemned the Zionist aggression on Al-Hodeida city and its targeting of civilian objects and facilities there, which led to the martyrdom of four civilians and the injury of 40 others.

In a statement issued on Sunday, the Shura Council considered this criminal aggression a blatant violation of Yemeni sovereignty and a violation of international law.

It emphasized that these crimes will not deter the Yemenis or weaken their resolve to continue supporting the Palestinian , Lebanese peoples and confronting the Zionist threat that has come to threaten the security and stability of the entire region.

The Council reiterated that Yemen's firm and principled position in supporting Palestine and Lebanon is based on faith , morality and will not retreat from this, no matter how great the scale of Israeli criminality.

It pointed out that the Zionist enemy's persistence in targeting the interests and resources of the Yemenis will backfire on the Israeli enemy. It emphasized Yemen's right to a legitimate response to the usurping entity that has violated all international and humanitarian laws and norms.

It pointed out that the nation has no choice but to confront and move by all means to confront the Israeli aggression , behind it America to curb its crimes , dangerous escalation in Yemen, Palestine and Lebanon.

The Shura Council called on the Association of Senate and Shura Councils and similar councils in Africa and the Arab world to condemn the Zionist aggression against civilian facilities , objects and its repeated targeting of the resources of the Yemenis.