Red Sea Ports Organization condemns Israeli enemy's targeting of Hudaydah and Ras Issa ports

Yemen News Agency SABA
Red Sea Ports Organization condemns Israeli enemy's targeting of Hudaydah and Ras Issa ports
[29/ September/2024]
Hodeida - Saba : Yemen's Red Sea Ports Corporation condemned in the strongest terms the Zionist aggression's targeting of Al-Hodeida and Ras Issa ports , causing damage to their vital facilities.

In a statement received by the Yemeni News Agency (Saba), the Corporation denounced the international silence towards the Israeli enemy's persistence in targeting and bombing the Corporation's vital ports again in a clear violation of international law and its conventions that criminalize the targeting of civilian objects that are indispensable for people, such as ports, and call for their preservation.

The statement considered the targeting Al-Hodeida port and the service facilities operating in it and Ras Issa port as a war crime committed by the Israeli enemy, indicating that these ports are still suffering from the repercussions of the previous raids, which resulted in the destruction of the gantry cranes and damage to the infrastructure of the piers and yards of Al-Hodeida port.

The statement held the United Nations and relevant organizations fully responsible for their silence and lack of condemnation of this criminal and systematic bombing of YPC ports, which has humanitarian repercussions and increases the suffering of the Yemeni people.

The statement stressed that this targeting will not deter the YPC ports from providing their services to all ships loaded with goods and oil derivatives that visit them, as they are the main artery that is indispensable for the Yemenis.

The Foundation warned of the seriousness of these violations and the threat they pose to the interests of the Yemenis, calling on the United Nations and its affiliated organizations to assume their responsibilities towards these threats and violations.

It called for the need to protect port services in accordance with the provisions of international humanitarian law and recognized conventions, including the Geneva Conventions and the protocols attached to them, which criminalize the targeting of vital facilities and civilian objects.