Poll: 73% of settlers acknowledge failure of Zionist entity against Hamas


Yemen News Agency SABA
Poll: 73% of settlers acknowledge failure of Zionist entity against Hamas
[06/ October/2024]
Occupied Al-Quds - Saba:
A poll conducted by the Zionist Broadcasting Corporation on Sunday showed that "73% of settlers believe that the Zionist entity failed in front of Hamas, on the first anniversary of the epic "Al-Aqsa flood" on the seventh of October 2023.

The broadcaster's poll found that 48 percent of respondents had a relative killed during the war.

According to the results of the same poll, 86% of settlers confirmed that they are not ready to live in the "Gaza envelope" after the end of the war.

In conjunction with the "Al-Aqsa flood" launched by the Palestinian resistance, the Zionist entity recorded an increase in reverse "migration", as the Zionist media reported that a large number of settlers who left the occupied territories since the beginning of the war have no desire to return.