Yemen writes immortal position in nation's pivotal battle to liberate Palestine

Yemen News Agency SABA
Yemen writes immortal position in nation's pivotal battle to liberate Palestine
[11/ October/2024]
Sana'a - Saba:
About a year ago, the free Yemeni leadership, and behind it the steadfast Yemeni people and its valiant armed forces, decided to have a share and mark in the "Al-Aqsa Flood" battle to gain the honor of participating in the liberation of Palestine and ending the era of the Zionist occupation of this important part of the nation.

Based on this honor and great medal, Yemen entered with all its strength into the pivotal battle of the nation to liberate Palestine from the criminal Zionist enemy, and end its existence and the threat it represents to all the peoples of the nation, forever.

Given the successive blows that the Zionist enemy has received since the launch of the "Al-Aqsa Flood" battle on October 7, 2023, in which the Yemeni armed forces had the honor of participating in military operations that reached and continue to reach the heart of the Zionist enemy, it has become clear that the time of this temporary and temporary entity is approaching its end.

Perhaps the hell that the enemy experienced last Tuesday, October 1, 2024, when the free people of the nation in Iran, Yemen, Lebanon, and Iraq simultaneously directed some of their salvos of fire towards occupied Jaffa, is evidence of the horror of what awaits him in the coming days.

On this exceptional day in the history of the conflict with the Zionist enemy, the fires of the nation's resistance crossed in the skies of Palestine, and what the enemy calls "Tel Aviv" was subjected to targeted strikes from Iran, Yemen, Lebanon, and Iraq.

As much as Operation "True Promise 2" caused panic for the enemy and all those who stand by it from the Western powers and Arab traitors, this legendary operation was met with relief, welcome, and great celebration from the sons of the Palestinian people, whose faces had not seen a smile for the past months, and the crimes of the Zionist enemy had made them lose any sense of happiness.

On this day, the Palestinians came out to express their overwhelming happiness that made them forget their wounds, blessing the Iranian response supported by Yemen and the rest of the axis of resistance, which extended to the entire occupied geography in Palestine, and dealt a strong blow to the criminal occupation that thought that its arrogance and aggression against Palestine, Lebanon, Yemen and other peoples of the nation could pass without punishment.

This historic day restored hope to all Palestinians, and even aroused in them an enthusiasm that prompted them to direct a sincere call to all the sons of the nation to make themselves a share in the battle to liberate Palestine, due to their firm belief that all Arab and Islamic peoples would not have abandoned them had it not been for the shackles that the traitorous rulers who the American and Zionist intelligence services placed on the necks of the Arab peoples are shackling them.

This heroic operation silenced all the trumpets crowing with doubt, which continued to hurl false accusations at the parties of the axis of resistance, and falsely claimed that the Islamic Republic would not respond to the crime of assassinating the martyred Mujahid Ismail Haniyeh, nor would it move a finger in the face of the crime of assassinating the martyr of the nation, Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah. However, they swallowed their tongues when they saw what happened on this day in terms of fulfilling the promise and victory for the blood of the martyred leaders.

It is no longer hidden what these spiteful trumpets are doing in terms of a suspicious and dangerous role in serving the Zionist enemy through their continuous efforts to try to discourage free peoples from the sacred duty of defending the first cause of the nation, Palestine, which represents an extension of the treacherous role played by the Arab regimes and governments that are agents and normalizers with the Zionist entity, which, instead of standing by the brotherly Palestinian people, are doing everything in their power to defend the enemy and harness their forces to try to intercept the resistance missiles directed at the Zionist entity.

In light of the increasing military operations of the countries of the axis of resistance, and what they are constantly revealing of advanced weapons, capable of bypassing all Israeli defenses and reaching their military targets with precision in the heart of the enemy in the occupied city of Jaffa, the Zionist enemy has become in a difficult situation and a state of confusion and hysteria that is explained by the contradictory statements of its leaders and the random decisions it is taking, and its commission of more crimes against civilians.

This cowardly enemy, who has been accustomed over the past decades to isolating Palestine or Lebanon, is more certain than ever that its inevitable end is approaching, as it watches the resistance missiles raining down on its head from every direction, realizing that American and Western support will no longer be of any use in protecting it in light of an inflamed region that threatens to threaten all the interests of the powers supporting Israel in the Middle East.

The criminal Zionist enemy believes that committing more massacres and genocide against civilians in Gaza, the West Bank and Lebanon, and targeting civilian objects in Yemen, will deter the free people of the nation from continuing to support Palestine, not realizing that its immersion in killing and bloodshed, and targeting of resistance leaders, will serve as an additional incentive for the free people of the nation to hasten their steps towards getting rid of it, no matter the cost.

Written by Yahya Jarallah