Amran addresses community, security challenges in Houth, Raydah

Yemen News Agency SABA
Amran addresses community, security challenges in Houth, Raydah
[12/ October/2024]
Amran - Saba:

A meeting held on Saturday in Amran province, chaired by Governor Dr. Faisal Juman, focused on addressing community and security challenges in the districts of Houth and Raydah.

The discussions centered on strategies for resolving community issues, fostering national unity, and reinforcing collective efforts to confront external aggression, while emphasizing the crucial role of all participants in maintaining public peace during these challenging times.

Governor Faisal Juman underscored the vital role of local sheikhs and dignitaries in promoting unity and raising awareness about the threats facing the nation, which aim to disrupt its security, stability, and unity.

Juman called on everyone to take responsibility for fostering public tranquility, rejecting divisiveness, and resolving disputes in ways that strengthen cohesion and bolster security and stability.