Aden Governor: Celebrating October 14 Revolution confirms continuity of struggle against new occupiers

Yemen News Agency SABA
Aden Governor: Celebrating October 14 Revolution confirms continuity of struggle against new occupiers
[14/ October/2024]
Sana'a - Saba:
Aden Governor Tariq Salam said the Yemeni people's celebrations of the 61st anniversary of the immortal October 14 Revolution confirm the continuity of the struggle and fight against the new occupiers who dream of returning the past.

Governor Salam indicated in remarks to the Yemeni News Agency (Saba) that the great Yemen, which won the September and October revolutions against the British occupation and Western and American Zionist conspiracies, will continue on its path of liberation struggle no matter how great the challenges are and will not stop until all occupied territories are liberated.

He pointed out that the glorious October Revolution is a great occasion and a well-known history in the past and present of Yemen, and thanks to it, the south of the country was liberated from the British imperialist occupation that had weighed on the chests of the Yemenis and defiled their land for nearly a century and a quarter, until the spark of the revolution was ignited from the mountains of Radfan and the caravan of revolutionaries marched, defeating the forces of invasion and occupation.

He pointed out that this occasion comes while part of the country is suffering under the burden of the new occupation that dreams of returning to the past.. stressing that the struggle and struggle of the Yemenis will not stop until all their lands are liberated from the hateful occupation.

The governor of Aden pointed out the seriousness of the role played by the occupier and its mercenaries in the occupied southern and eastern governorates, from tampering, destruction and continuous looting of wealth and resources, violating sovereignty and targeting the social fabric, in addition to the policy of starvation and intimidation, which has become one of the occupier's means to silence the voices opposing it.

He pointed out that the occupation's practices and criminal behavior today in the occupied southern and eastern governorates confirm the continuation of Western British efforts to target Yemen and attempt to restore its hegemony, which has retreated in the face of the steadfastness and bravery of the October 14 revolutionaries.