Local authority in Dhale' commemorates glorious October 14 Revolution 61st anniversary


Yemen News Agency SABA
Local authority in Dhale' commemorates glorious October 14 Revolution 61st anniversary
[14/ October/2024]
Dhale' - Saba :
The local authority in Al Dhale' province organized on Monday a speech ceremony on the occasion of the 61st anniversary of the glorious October 14 Revolution.

At the ceremony, which was attended by the governors of Aden Tariq Salam, Shabwa Awad al-Awlaki, Al-Mahra, Al-Qutbi Ali al-Faraji, Abyan Saleh al-Junaidi and Socotra Hashim al-Suqtari, the acting governor of Al-Dhale', Abdullatif al-Shaghdari, stressed that the October 14 Revolution embodied the steadfastness of the free people in defeating the hated British colonizer, which was sparked from the mountains of Radfan to create a new day of freedom and independence.

He considered the October 14 revolution a starting point for liberation from foreign tutelage and hegemony, pointing out that the celebration of this occasion coincides with the first anniversary of "Al-Aqsa Flood" operation on October 7, which alarmed and worried the occupying Zionists, after a year of steadfastness against the Zionist enemy entity supported by the global arrogance countries, America and Britain, the head of evil in the world.

For his part, Aden Governor Salam stressed the unity of the Yemeni revolution of October 14 and September 21, which came against hegemony, colonization, trusteeship and dependence.

He described the glorious October 14 Revolution as a memorable occasion and history in Yemen's past and present, thanks to which South Yemen was liberated from the British occupation that sat on the breasts of Yemenis and desecrated their land for nearly a century and a quarter, until the spark of the revolution was launched from the mountains of Radfan and the ranks of the revolutionaries who defeated the forces of invasion and occupation.

The Aden governor pointed out that the occupation's practices and criminal behavior today in the occupied southern and eastern provinces confirm the continued British efforts to target Yemen and try to restore its hegemony, which retreated in the face of the steadfastness and valor of the October 14 revolutionaries.

For his part, Shabwa Governor Al-Awlaki described the October 14 revolution as the beginning of the armed struggle from the mountains of Radfan to expel the British occupation, which sat on the land of the south of the homeland for 129 years.

"Today, the 61st anniversary of the October 14 Revolution is taking place against the backdrop of international events, facts and developments that unfortunately contributed to the return of part of the country to fall under Saudi-Emirati occupation with US, British and Zionist support, who are trying to subject southern Yemen to their dirty projects that hide behind false slogans," said Governor Al-Awlaki.

Assistant Commander of the Fourth Region Brigadier General Ali Al-Sharafi pointed out the importance of celebrating this national occasion, which subjugated the kingdom, which was described as the greatest by the free people of Yemen in the north, south, east and west of the country.

Brig. Gen. Sharafi pointed out that history is repeating itself today in defeating and thwarting the American, British and Western plans from any hegemony over the Yemeni decision. "The September 21 revolution came to expose the masks and the printing countries with a revolution that was able in ten years to move from defense to attack on the depth of the Zionist entity occupying the Palestinian territories in victory of the blood of the martyrs and the grievances of the Palestinians," he added.

He stressed that Yemen, led by the revolution leader , Sayyed Abdul Malik Badr al-Din al-Houthi, had the honor of defending Palestine and Al-Aqsa, pointing to the negative role of the printing countries in taking negative positions towards the Palestinians and the Palestinian cause.