Gaza aid declarations...US propaganda to wash its hands of children & women blood in Gaza Strip

Yemen News Agency SABA
Gaza aid declarations...US propaganda to wash its hands of children & women blood in Gaza Strip
[19/ October/2024]
Capitals - Saba :
The US administration's statements warning the Zionist entity that it could cut off military aid if it does not allow the transfer of humanitarian aid to Gaza Strip within 30 days are an attempt to cover its exposed nakedness due to its unlimited support for the Zionist entity and its involvement as a key partner in the genocidal crimes committed against the Palestinians.

The warning came in an official letter sent by US Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Secretary of War Lloyd Austin to the Zionist government, urging it to take immediate steps to increase the level of humanitarian aid flowing into Gaza.

State Department spokesman Matthew Miller confirmed on Tuesday that Blinken and Austin emphasized in their letter that the Zionist entity should take immediate steps to improve conditions in Gaza, without waiting for 30 days as some reports have suggested.

The letter explained that the increase in humanitarian aid should not be a one-off, but should be sustained to ensure that supplies reach Palestinian civilians suffering under siege.

The letter noted that there are logistical and bureaucratic obstacles to the delivery of aid, but emphasized that these obstacles can be overcome if the Zionist entity shows a serious commitment.

The letter also expressed Washington's concern about the harm to civilians in Gaza. It emphasized that these concerns have been discussed directly with the government of Zionist Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

The letter touched on the possibility that this issue could affect US military aid to the Zionist entity, under US law, which restricts aid to countries that impede the delivery of humanitarian aid.

In response to this alleged US warning to the Zionist entity, the Islamic Resistance Movement Hamas described these warnings as "a complete cover for the occupation government and a shameless justification for its massacres against the Palestinians."

Izzat al-Rishq, a member of Hamas' political bureau, said: "The message of the US ministers to the enemy government to increase the volume of humanitarian aid within a month is a complete cover for the continuation of the genocide against the Palestinians in Gaza, especially in the northern Gaza Strip."

In a statement on Wednesday, Al-Rishq emphasized that the letter announced by US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken and US Secretary of War Lloyd Austin, addressed to the Prime Minister of the enemy government about the entry of humanitarian aid, "holds the US administration fully responsible for the continued crimes of starvation, thirst and death by disease for thousands in Gaza Strip, most of whom are women, children and the elderly."

He pointed out that "the card of increasing the volume of aid to Gaza Strip, which the US administration waves from time to time, is an open attempt to polish its image, which is stained with the blood of our people." Adding: "It cannot cover the magnitude of the sin of support and full partnership by the United States to the occupation in the genocidal war against Gaza Strip."

Al-Rishq concluded by saying: "What is required of the US administration is not to send messages to the Zionist enemy government, but rather to stop supporting and fully partnering with this occupation in the genocidal war it has been practicing against our people for more than a year."

Here, a team of analysts believes that this shady warning can be understood as part of the US administration's tactical positions that do not contradict the principled positions that have been evident since the beginning of the war , the political cover , financial and military support for the Zionist enemy.

Despite the recent statements, analysts emphasize that they do not contradict the US administration's well-established doctrine of supporting the Zionist entity militarily, politically and economically, as a hand contaminated by missiles, bullets and bombs cannot be washed by increasing food aid, which does not preserve life as much as it only postpones the date of death.

Analysts concluded that if the US administration was serious about delivering aid, it would have stopped arms shipments to the Zionist entity, rather than making statements that mean nothing but mere propaganda, in order to wash its hands of the blood of children and women in Gaza Strip.