President Al-Mashat expresses condolences on Sheikh Mohsen Ali Al-Azani's death

Yemen News Agency SABA
President Al-Mashat expresses condolences on Sheikh Mohsen Ali Al-Azani's death
[20/ October/2024]
Sana'a - Saba :
His Excellency Field Marshal Mahdi Al-Mashat, Head of the Supreme Political Council, sent a cable of condolences on the death of Sheikh Mohsen Ali Al-Azani, who passed away at the age of 100 years, most of which he spent in the country's service.

In the cable of condolences he sent to the deceased's son Sheikh Abdullah and the rest of the family members and Al-Azani family in the Thala'a region and Amran Governorate in general, the President praised the late Sheikh's contributions to reconciliation and establishing the spirit of brotherhood and cooperation among the members of society.

President Al-Mashat expressed his deepest condolences and sympathy to the son of the deceased, all family members and the people of Thala'a and Amran in general, praying that the Almighty God has great mercy , forgiveness for the deceased, grant his family , relatives patience and solace.

"May God have mercy on the deceased, and may he rest in peace."