Revolution Leader: Yemen's front is continuous, active & ready for any US & Zionist escalation level

Yemen News Agency SABA
Revolution Leader: Yemen's front is continuous, active & ready for any US & Zionist escalation level
[24/ October/2024]
Sana'a - Saba:
The Revolution Leader , Sayyed Abdulmalik Badr al-Din al-Houthi, emphasized that the Yemeni front is present, continuous, active and ready for any level of escalation resorted to by the Americans and Zionists.

"Our front in the Yemen of faith and wisdom continues with steadfastness in the battle of the promised conquest and holy jihad, sea operations, bombing the Zionist enemy with missiles, marches to occupied Palestine and intensive popular activities that are unparalleled in all the world," the revolutionary leader said in a speech this afternoon on the latest developments of the aggression on Gaza , Lebanon , regional and international developments.

"We are on a practical path in which we prepare for any level of escalation resorted to by the Americans , the Zionists, and the jihad banner for the sake of God that our Yemeni people carried and raised with faith, steadfastness, loyalty, honesty and courage is high and firm, and at the height of the battle and with what we witness from the terrible Zionist criminality, our front is continuous and effective, not weakened, not bored, not broken, but steadfast , expressed by the Yemenis, their positions, their jihad and their weekly millionth exit," he added.

He called on the dear people to come out tomorrow, Friday, in the rallying squares in the capital Sana'a and the rest of the provinces and districts according to the approved arrangements in response to God, jihad for His sake, loyalty and support for the Palestinian and Lebanese peoples, support for their resistance, support for the mujahideen in Gaza and Lebanon.

At the beginning of his speech, the Revolution Leader offered his deepest condolences to Hezbollah, the nation of resistance and jihad, the Lebanese people and the entire Islamic nation on the martyrdom of the head of Hezbollah's Executive Council, Allamah Sayyed Hashim Safieddine. He prayed to God Almighty to shower the martyrs with mercy and forgiveness, and to grant them his eternal rest in his paradise and inspire everyone with patience and solace.

He pointed out the active and influential role of Sayyed Hashim Safieddine , his prominent and distinctive contributions due to his faith, awareness, insight, knowledge, determination . He pointed out that one of the goals of the Zionist enemy by targeting great leaders is to break the morale of the nation, the mujahideen and their popular support.

He explained that the knot of hatred blinds the Israeli enemy from understanding history and pushes it to continue its criminal and aggressive behavior of targeting leaders. "The loss of jihad leaders, especially in sensitive circumstances, is painful for the mujahideen, believers, all the nation , the free people of the world, and a great loss for the nation," he said.

"The enemy hopes that by targeting the leaders, it will achieve its goals of controlling the nation and ending the battle, but these are false hopes," he said.

He stressed that the march of faith and jihad for the sake of God has an important advantage that the nation that moves according to the faithful start is protected by God Almighty.

Sayyed Abdul Malik Badruddin Al-Houthi described the sacrifice of the martyrs and leaders as a sacrifice to God Almighty, who is the one who wins the victory for them. He added, "The deeds and endeavors of those who sacrificed themselves for the sake of God are not wasted, God is the one who takes care of them and blesses their impact until they bear the great fruit."

He pointed out that the sacrifices of the leaders leave a great impact, so that God realizes their hopes , sponsors their efforts and at the same time triumphs over their grievances. He pointed out that the faith orientation of the believers as a nation moving in the way of Allah makes them connected, confident and dependent on Him even in the darkest circumstances and the most difficult stages.

He added, "God Almighty takes care of the mujahideen nation even if it offers its great leaders and martyrs to continue its journey with His great care, and grieving for the leaders and the good ones is also a factor of steadfastness, cohesion, dedication and independence."

The leader emphasized that the stance of the Mujahideen in Lebanon and Gaza in their steadfastness and cohesion has greatly surprised the enemies, as well as those who are waiting in the wings. He explained that the association with leaders in the march of faith and jihad is an association with them within the framework of the approach and position of faith in God Almighty and not a purely personal association.

He pointed out that it is awareness and faith that has produced steadfastness and cohesion in the march of faith and jihad in Palestine and Lebanon, which has stunned the enemies, disappointed their hopes and angered their agents.

Regarding the reality of the support and jihad fronts, the Revolution Leader stated that the support fronts continue to carry the banner and move in the way of God with awareness, understanding, insight, steadfastness and faith.

He pointed out that in this hot round of confrontation with the enemies, all fronts are offering martyrs for the sake of God with steadfastness and certainty with the strength of position and cohesion.

"Never before in the conflict since the beginning of the establishment of the occupying entity on the land of Palestine has there been a continuous round of clashes and hot confrontation with it for more than a year," he said. He emphasized that the jihadist faith-based approach is the feature that helped this steadfastness in the hot confrontation with the enemy in Gaza, Lebanon, Yemen, Iraq and the Islamic Republic of Iran.

He praised the steadfastness of Gaza front, which has remained cohesive and effectively confronted for more than a year, despite the difficult conditions in terms of resources, as well as the Lebanon front, which is facing the most severe confrontation and the Israeli enemy has not been able until today to control some of the villages on the front edge of Lebanon's border with occupied Palestine.

Sayyed Leader stated that the steadfastness of the mujahideen in the Lebanon front at this stage is even more than in the July 2006 war. He emphasized that despite the pressure on the Yemen front by the American, Israeli and British aggression, it continues its support and position and has not succumbed or retreated to any pressure.

He pointed out that the Iraqi front is increasing its position and seeking more, adding, "It was the duty of the nation, especially the Arabs, to support Gaza and Lebanon with all forms of support, and their position on the Yemeni, Iraqi and Iranian support fronts should be positive and complementary."

He continued, "While the support fronts have been standing for more than a year, some have been dealing with failure and some with backstabbing, stalking and gloating. He added that the Israeli enemy's genocidal crimes and the targeting of children and women are not a military achievement.

The Revolutionary Leader also emphasized the failure of the Zionist enemy at the level of military achievement, and its failure is clear in Gaza and in the front of northern Palestine facing Lebanon and a failure on all fronts. He pointed out that the American is a partner with the Israeli in criminality and a partner with him in failure.

He pointed out that it is in the interest of Muslims to stand firmly and provide all forms of support to these steadfast fronts in contrast to the American and Western support for the Israeli enemy. He pointed out that the Americans have opened all their arms stores to the Israeli enemy, as well as Germany, France and Britain, while the Arabs are failing to perform the sacred duty, stressing that the Zionist-Jewish criminality is very terrible, extremely brutal and extremely criminal, targeting Gaza people with all kinds of genocide and targeting northern Gaza more than the rest of Gaza Strip.

The leader spoke about the crime of forced displacement and genocide practiced by the Israeli enemy in the northern Gaza Strip. He pointed out that the bloody, criminal and brutal scene of the Israeli enemy's crimes in the northern Gaza Strip provokes every human being who has a shred of humanity left in him.

He described the nation's inaction towards what is happening in Gaza as a shame. He added, "It is a shame and a very big sin that the nation does not offer Gaza anything with the brutality and the very terrible Zionist criminality in the Gaza Strip," stressing that what is happening in Palestine has provoked the human conscience in non-Muslim peoples in Latin America, and decisions have been taken against the Israeli enemy that were not taken by many Arab countries.

"With the increase in Zionist criminality, as is the case in the northern Gaza Strip, there is no Arab direction for measures of the magnitude of Zionist criminality, people in Europe and America came out with Gaza and many of the people of our nation are still in a state as if they are outside the scope of life," he said. He pointed out that Arab inaction has a negative impact on the inaction of many non-Arab Muslim countries.

"Whoever is not aroused by what is happening in Gaza is undoubtedly malicious, and the more the Israeli enemy escalates, the more responsibility the nation has, especially the Arabs. He emphasized that the Arabs are targeted by the Israeli enemy more than others, no matter how much some ignore and turn a blind eye to these established facts.

The leader emphasized that Zionism is an aggressive and destructive project targeting the Islamic nation, especially the Arabs, with the aim of enabling the Israeli enemy to control what they call the Middle East. He pointed out that the Zionist project is to enable the Israeli enemy to control the Arab countries in a wide geographical area, which they call "Greater Israel".

He said that the Zionist project targets the Arab geographical area by direct occupation, as well as the rest of the Arab countries by control, if not occupation. He pointed out that the American is linked to the Zionist project, which has an ideological formulation that they have turned into a religious belief and a strategy from which they proceed to formulate their policies and priorities.

He pointed out that the Zionist project is an aggressive one that mainly targets the nation by obliterating its identity, occupying homelands, plundering wealth and confiscating freedom, independence and dignity. "In Israeli schools, there are curricula that entrench the Zionist project in their generations, and the biggest obstacle to this project is Islam with its purity, truth and correct principles, so they are trying to distance the nation from it to achieve their goals," he added.

He pointed out that the Zionist project is ultimately a failed project because it is aggressive , criminal and poses a danger to humanity, the conscious and clairvoyant movement in the early jihadist path in the face of this project saves the nation time and cost.

"We are a targeted nation, and confrontation with the Israeli enemy is inevitable," he said. He pointed out that some Arab regimes did not even dare to respond with any official statement to the Zionist official's statements about the occupation of some Arab countries.

"If a minister of an Arab government had made statements similar to those of the Israeli enemy, would Saudi Arabia have been silent? Neither the Saudi, Jordanian, Egyptian, nor many other regimes had a firm and strong stance towards Israeli statements towards their countries," he asked, referring to the Israeli enemy's endeavor to implement its plan according to stages that prepare the nation and tame it into submission.

He touched on the Israeli enemy's endeavor to implement its plan according to stages that prepare the nation and tame it to surrender. He explained that the state of the Arabs towards what is happening in Palestine reveals how far the enemy has gone in the process of anesthetizing the nation , striking its spirit and decision.

He stressed the need for everyone to realize that confrontation with the Israeli enemy is inevitable and not something that can be avoided. He stressed that those who talk about disassociation have resorted to normalization, betrayal and showing loyalty to Israel, America, and they are losers.

Sayyed Abdulmalik Badreddin al-Houthi warned everyone that if the Israeli enemy had bypassed the mujahideen in Palestine and the support fronts, it would have crushed the rest of them and would not appreciate their disassociation, normalization and betrayal. He pointed out that the enemy collided with Hezbollah's solid front after it expected that by targeting the leaders, it would have the opportunity to control Lebanon.

He explained that the Israeli enemy resorted to criminal behavior in the mass targeting of civilians in Lebanon and the destruction of residential neighborhoods and villages. He pointed out that the Israeli enemy is trying with the US to exert pressure to change the political situation , the political position of the Lebanese government and the Lebanese components.

"The Israeli enemy is trying with the US to incite everyone against Hezbollah and portray to everyone as if Hezbollah is the issue in Lebanon," he said. He pointed out that the real issue that threatens Lebanon, its security, safety, independence and freedom of the Lebanese people is the Israeli enemy.

"What the Israeli enemy wants in Lebanon is to have a part of Lebanon under its control under the title of a security belt as before and to control the headwaters of rivers," he added. He emphasized that the experience of the Lebanese people rallying around the Islamic Resistance to achieve victory and defeat the Israeli enemy is the available and correct solution.

The Revolution Leader stated that the Zionist enemy seeks through the title of "the second day in Gaza" to impose options that serve the enemy entity with the support of Arab regimes. He pointed out that the Palestinian factions and people will not accept the imposition of options that serve the enemy, and they realize the American deception since the "Al-Aqsa Flood" operation.

He addressed what the American seeks with the Israeli to prepare for an aggressive operation against the Islamic Republic of Iran, and his sending his foreign minister to talk about peace and de-escalation, considering the American method as part of the tactic to serve the Israeli position, and the nation should not be deceived by the American position.

He reiterated that all jihad fronts in Palestine and Lebanon are at the height of the confrontation. He pointed out that Al- Qassam Brigades are humiliating the Israeli enemy, and the martyrdom of Commander Sinwar has only increased their determination, inspiration, arrogance and steadfastness in confronting the usurping entity.

"The impact of al-Sinwar's testimony at the Palestinian and international levels will not be erased by the Israeli enemy's attempts to falsify the scene of the honorable, heroic and inspiring position in his testimony," he said. He pointed out that the martyrdom of Commander Yahya Sinwar, despite the nose of the Israeli enemy, represents an immortal victory in his great stance.

Sayyed Al-Houthi reviewed the heroic roles of Al-Quds Brigades and the rest of the Palestinian factions standing valiantly alongside Al-Qassam Brigades in carrying out daily heroic operations.

He pointed out that the Lebanese front established the equation of Jaffa "Tel Aviv" and turned Haifa into an abandoned city in which the occupiers live most of their time in shelters. He stressed that Hezbollah's qualitative jihadist operation to penetrate the march of the Zionist enemy entity's defense systems and reach the bedroom of the criminal Netanyahu, sparked terror in the hearts of all Zionist criminal leaders.

Sayyed Leader highlighted the support front in Iraq, which continues to escalate steadily, without paying attention to the attacks, media threats , political pressure from America and its agents.