Sana'a - Saba:
The leader of the revolution, Sayyid Abdul-Malik Badr al-Din al-Houthi, confirmed the failure of enemy attempts to target the Yemeni people militarily, security-wise, economically, politically, and through media.
In his speech today, regarding the developments of the Israeli aggression on Gaza and the latest regional and international events, the leader stated: "We can see, by God’s grace, assistance, support, and guidance, that the enemies are failing in all areas to a great extent. There is resilience, steadfastness, unity, and success being achieved by our dear people."
He considered the stance of the Yemeni people, their weekly, million-strong participation complementing the official position and military operations, as a remarkable example of what all Arab nations should be like. The Yemeni stance, he added, has greatly disappointed the enemies, making them view Yemen's internal front as strong and fortified, challenging for them to penetrate or influence.
He called on the Yemeni people to participate in a million-strong rally tomorrow in the capital, Sana'a, and in the other governorates and districts following the approved arrangements. He added, "We are at a very important stage, and massive turnout in the marches holds significant value and great reward from God, as this is part of our jihad."
He continued, "There is a role that deserves recognition and appreciation for those who own means of transportation, for transporting the masses to the locations of the protests and rallies." He pointed out that the turnout of the Yemeni people has been truly millions in scale on week. The turnout for Jumada Rajab Friday, he said, was remarkable, massive, honorable, and distinguished in a way that uplifts and dignifies this nation. He noted that 757 locations witnessed this unparalleled public participation.
He highlighted that the Yemeni people "renewed on Jumada Rajab Friday their pledge to the Messenger of God, peace be upon him and his family, to remain steadfast and continue carrying the banner of Islam and jihad." He affirmed that the Yemeni people, through their sincere faith demonstrated in their stance, steadfastness, support, values, and commitment to truth and dignity, assert their continuation on this path.
The leader also spoke about military operations during this week in the frontlines of Yemen's faith and jihad, which targeted Israeli enemy positions in the heart of occupied Palestine using hypersonic missiles and drones.
He clarified that this week witnessed a confrontation with the American aircraft carrier "Truman," marking the third such engagement and the sixth overall with aircraft carriers. This latest confrontation coincided with American preparations to launch major aggressive operations against Yemen, which were foiled with God's assistance.
He added, "This week highlighted a tactical achievement by the Americans militarily in developing rapid escape operations. The 'Truman' carrier fled immediately and returned promptly, as did all the formations of fighter aircraft that had taken off from its deck to carry out aggressive missions." He pointed out that the "Truman" had to divert course and retreat towards the northernmost part of the Red Sea.
The leader also confirmed that military operations had reached occupied "Jaffa" and "Ashkelon," and targeted a subsidiary power station and the second-largest power station, "Orot Rabin," south of occupied Haifa. He emphasized the significant psychological impact of Yemen's operations, inducing fear, anxiety, and turmoil among the enemy, as well as the enemy’s failure to counter the missiles.
He stated, "The scale of fear, panic, extreme anxiety, and major distress is expanding, with alarm sirens sounding in more than 234 cities and settlements in Palestine, which means more than half of the Jewish Zionists are fleeing to shelters in response to these sirens."
He added, "The Israeli enemy is under significant stress due to its inability to intercept the missiles launched by Yemeni armed forces." He pointed out that a missile fired at dawn on Friday was claimed to have been intercepted, but video footage showed its clear arrival, a failure that deeply troubles the enemy.
The leader also noted that the enemy has challenges related to intercepting missiles, including high costs and wide-ranging debris, sometimes spreading over distances of up to 80 kilometers.
He concluded, "The Israeli enemy is also affected in terms of aviation movement at Ben Gurion Airport, as flights are forced to halt during operations. This has influenced many aviation companies' decisions to resume flights."
Regarding the impact of the Yemeni Armed Forces' military operations on the Zionist economy, Sayyid Abdul-Malik Al-Houthi emphasized that the economic repercussions for the Israeli enemy are significant. The Israeli entity has been compelled by these operations to impose substantial price hikes.
He referred to reports in the enemy's media about the price increases, describing them as a "tsunami" affecting various goods and public services, impacting every Zionist settler household. He also highlighted the ongoing reverse migration, with over 82,000 settlers leaving in 2024. Additionally, there have been bankruptcies of Zionist economic companies, with 50,000 businesses shutting down in 2024.
Sayyid Al-Houthi mentioned a security achievement this week with the capture of a British espionage network, saying, "Praise be to God, there are many security accomplishments, and the enemies are suffering great failures in the security domain, which is a very important field."
He noted various public activities, foremost among them the widespread tribal gatherings that featured strong participation. Yemeni tribesmen, armed and resolute, have demonstrated a serious stance in support of the Palestinian people and readiness for any escalation targeting Yemen.
He stated, "The strength of our people's position is evident, whether through the scale of protests in different governorates or the values of faith and courage held by our noble, free Yemeni tribes." He affirmed that the Yemeni tribes are a military force with significant combat skills and experience, forming the backbone of Yemeni society.
Sayyid Abdul-Malik Al-Houthi highlighted the extensive training programs that have resulted in more than 800,000 trained individuals. When added to the regular armed forces, the number far exceeds one million. Furthermore, he mentioned the organization of hundreds of thousands of seminars, gatherings, and awareness events in an intensive educational campaign.
He began his speech by discussing the genocide committed by the Israeli enemy in Gaza, with more than 4,000 massacres, including 30 this week alone. He criticized President Biden for recently approving a large arms deal in the White House, providing bombs, shells, and ammunition to the Israeli enemy to kill Palestinian women and children.
He condemned the crime of starvation, in which complicit cowardly regimes are participating by standing idly by while the Palestinian people suffer from hunger. He stated that the Israeli enemy continues its policy of restricting supplies to Gaza, allowing only minimal aid to enter.
He noted that the Israeli enemy has formed gangs of traitors and collaborators to loot aid within Gaza, near the military checkpoints established by the Zionist entity. He explained that this week, Israeli soldiers themselves have started looting the minimal aid that trickles into Gaza directly.
The leader of the revolution said that the Israeli enemy has created a crisis-ridden reality in Gaza by systematically targeting its healthcare infrastructure. He pointed to the attack on Kamal Adwan Hospital as a blatant violation and one of the major crimes committed in Gaza.
He renewed his condemnation of the Israeli enemy's targeting of the Indonesian Hospital and other medical facilities providing basic services under a severe blockade. He highlighted the fact that Israeli criminals in the Knesset continue to demand more aggression, tyranny, and destruction of all aspects of life in Gaza.
The oppressive Zionist entity targets displaced Palestinians, with the entire population of Gaza now effectively displaced without proper shelter. It aims to employ every means of extermination and deprivation, stripping the people of all necessities and legitimate human rights.
Sayyid Abdul-Malik Badr al-Din al-Houthi emphasized that the Zionist enemy continues its repeated incursions into the Al-Aqsa Mosque by Zionist Jews. He pointed out that these incursions are part of a calculated strategy to normalize these actions in the eyes of Muslims, making them appear routine and acceptable.
He noted that the ultimate goal of the Zionist Jews was to destroy Al-Aqsa Mosque and build their so-called temple on its site. Each step they take is deliberate. He warned of the dangerous “conditioning” tactic employed by the Zionists to accustom the Muslim nation to their aggressive actions.
Sayyid Al-Houthi also highlighted the violations against the Ibrahimi Mosque in Hebron, where the enemy prohibits the call to prayer through loudspeakers, frequently closes the mosque to Palestinians, and targets mosques as part of its campaign against Islam and Muslims.
He explained that the Israeli enemy continues its crimes of incursions, killing, and destruction in the West Bank and Jerusalem. These attacks involve killings, kidnappings, demolitions, and the destruction of Palestinian infrastructure.
He added, "Not a single day passes in the West Bank without an Israeli attack on its residents. Meanwhile, one of the prominent Zionist criminals calls for genocides in Jenin, Nablus, and Tulkarm similar to those committed in Jabalia in Gaza. Despite all the actions of the Israeli enemy, the Palestinian Authority compounds the misery and suffering of the Palestinian people in the West Bank."
Sayyid Al-Houthi criticized the repressive apparatus of the Palestinian Authority for mimicking the aggressive behavior of the Israeli occupation. He condemned the PA’s actions, particularly its disgraceful handover of a Palestinian woman to the Israeli forces, calling it a betrayal of honor and dignity.
He expressed sorrow over the infiltration of the PA by the Israeli enemy, noting that Israeli agents occupy critical positions within the authority, posing a significant danger to the Palestinian people. He explained that this stems from a flawed understanding among some within the PA, who see resistance and struggle against the enemy as the root of the problem rather than the solution.
He clarified that the Israeli enemy’s objective of complete occupation of all of Palestine and large portions of the Arab world under the banner of "Greater Israel" remains unchanged. The Zionists work incrementally to achieve their goals through cumulative gains. He highlighted two factors delaying their expansion: resistance and jihad, and their insufficient settler population.
"The enemy lacks the necessary number of settlers to spread across all the geographic areas they aim to occupy, and they are persistently working to bring in more Jews," he said. He asserted that Zionist Jews rally behind leaders they perceive as strong in their stance against Arabs, particularly the Palestinian people.
Sayyid Al-Houthi added, "Those who emerge from among the Palestinian people and the broader Muslim nation as strong defenders against these enemies are attacked and maligned by many within the same Muslim nation. Some regimes even classify them as 'terrorists' on their lists."
He also criticized the defamatory propaganda and misleading media campaigns by some individuals in Palestine and certain Arab regimes against those who confront the Israeli enemy.
Regarding the situation in Lebanon, Sayyid Abdul-Malik Badr al-Din al-Houthi stated that the Israeli enemy continues to violate the ceasefire agreement by bombing, indiscriminate gunfire, demolitions, and the destruction of homes. Despite these efforts, he asserted that the Zionist enemy fails repeatedly in its aggression against Lebanon and the South, as it has failed to achieve its stated goal of eliminating Hezbollah, which remains a strong and influential presence in the Lebanese arena.
He said, "Hezbollah is recovering and growing stronger, becoming an established, rooted, solid, and resilient front against the Israeli enemy. The Israeli enemy, alongside the Americans and, unfortunately, with the cooperation of some Arab regimes, is working to interfere in Lebanon's internal affairs and political landscape."
Addressing all factions in Lebanon, Sayyid al-Houthi emphasized their great responsibility to act with awareness, understanding, and focus on the interests and stability of their country. He noted that aligning with the Israeli enemy will have negative consequences, even for those who support it.
He added, "Those who conspire, scheme, and meddle in Lebanon are ultimately harming themselves, not just Lebanon’s stability." He affirmed that the true interest of all Lebanese people, and Lebanon as a whole, lies in prioritizing internal stability, which is a genuine national interest.
Regarding the situation in Syria, Sayyid Abdul-Malik al-Houthi stated that the Israeli enemy continues its aggression against Syria through airstrikes, targeting the remaining industrial facilities. The enemy seeks to solidify its control over the areas it recently invaded and occupied, indicating it has no intention of a temporary presence.
He explained that Israel’s control in Syria is tied to its interests, which revolve around occupation and plundering. The Zionist enemy is bringing in additional military reinforcements to Syria, building fortifications, and setting up pre-fabricated houses. The entity has reached the Al-Mantara Dam, the largest dam in southern Syria.
He pointed out that the Americans are exploiting the situation on another front in Syria to expand their presence and control in eastern areas, establishing new military bases. The U.S. aims to position itself as a hub for recruitment and influence.
Sayyid al-Houthi expressed sadness that in Syria, the Americans are protecting their military bases and the oil fields they have seized using mercenaries recruited from among the Syrian people.
He continued, "The Americans want Arabs in other countries to adopt a functional role by guarding American bases that occupy their lands and plunder their nation's wealth." He clarified that the American and Israeli enemies will not be content with simply occupying the territories they continue to expand into but will strive to penetrate Syria's internal affairs deeply.
He highlighted that both the Americans and Israelis are recruiting spies and subversive cells to target the Syrian people’s security, incite strife, and fragment society. They also exploit ill-conceived policies that negatively impact minorities, presenting themselves as protectors of these minorities in Syria.
He remarked, "It is a grave mistake to have negative policies towards minorities in Syria, as this provides a free service to the Americans and Israelis. All Syrians must unite to protect their homeland from these enemies."
Sayyid al-Houthi also spoke about the Israeli enemy recently publishing a new map that included territories in Lebanon, Syria, and Jordan, along with previously issued maps as part of a phased expansion plan accompanied by provocative statements. He stressed that everyone in Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, and Palestine must understand that Israel holds aggressive ambitions, seeking to dominate and plunder these countries.
He described the phased map published by the Israeli enemy as highly provocative and aggressive. He concluded by emphasizing that for these nations to protect themselves from the American and Israeli enemies and safeguard their lands and wealth, they must be independent, free, dignified, and firmly established in a position of strength.
He said, "The policies currently adopted by Jordan and Syria will not change Israel's agenda, nor will they cause the Zionist entity to abandon its ambitions. The entity remains adamant in its greed and hostile policies, as evidenced by official statements and clear stances."
The leader of the revolution emphasized that both the Israeli and American adversaries are driven by greed and are pursuing their aggressive plans in line with their stated policies to achieve their hostile objectives. He urged the need for the nation to adopt a true and effective stance against the Israeli enemy to deter it from achieving its ambitions.
He pointed out that adopting policies of submission and complacency will not serve the nation in any way or deter the American and Israeli forces from their ambitions. He stressed that cooperation with the Americans and Israelis essentially facilitates their efforts to achieve their goals at minimal cost, labeling such policies as profoundly misguided.
He added, "Our nation must take the initiative with a strong and rightful stance against the Israeli enemy to support the Palestinian people, who are on the frontlines. The more the nation—its peoples and countries, especially those surrounding Palestine—stands firmly with the Palestinian people, the more it protects itself and at least delays the imminent threats it faces."
He highlighted that the current policies of most Arab regimes only embolden the Israeli enemy against the Palestinian people. He further remarked that this week, countries outside the Arab and Islamic world have shown bolder stances in support of Palestine, such as Brazil.
Continuing, he stated, "In Brazil, there has been a judicial movement to hold Israeli criminal soldiers accountable, even when they visit Brazil for leisure and tourism. The judicial pursuit has extended from Brazil to Chile and Sri Lanka to prosecute these Israeli soldiers. This bold and advanced action instills fear among the Zionist criminals." He added that such judicial pursuits against Israeli soldiers are initiatives that some Arab regimes dare not take.
The leader noted that the Qassam Brigades, Saraya Al-Quds, and other resisting factions in Gaza have maintained their resistance 15 months into Israel's comprehensive aggression. He pointed out that the Qassam Brigades carried out over 10 impactful operations this week, including strikes on settlements in what is known as the "Gaza envelope."
He added, "One of the significant operations by the Qassam Brigades this week was targeting an Apache helicopter with a missile in central Gaza. Meanwhile, Saraya Al-Quds carried out diverse operations, including detonating explosive devices, direct confrontations, and rocket strikes on the 'Sderot' settlement, causing damage and widespread panic among the settlers."
The leader also noted operations in the West Bank this week, including a heroic operation east of Qalqilya that resulted in Israeli casualties, both killed and wounded. He affirmed that these heroic jihadist operations have successfully hindered Israel from achieving its goals, starting with its ambitions in Gaza.
The leader of the revolution explained that jihadist operations and the immense resilience of the Palestinian people are the biggest obstacles facing the Israeli enemy. He emphasized that it is the duty of all Muslims to provide every form of support to the resistance fighters in Gaza and Palestine and to stand firmly and seriously with the Palestinian cause.
He stressed that the Muslim nation bears a great responsibility, and the consequences of neglecting it grow more severe the longer Israeli crimes against the Palestinian people persist. He held Arab nations accountable, stating that their disengagement from this responsibility does not absolve them from the grave sins, consequences, and repercussions they will face both in this world and the hereafter.
The leader warned of the dangerous reality when the enemy gains control over governments and nations that have betrayed and abandoned their responsibilities.
He referred to former President Donald Trump’s statement this week, where Trump threatened to "open the gates of hell" if Israeli hostages were not released before he returned to the White House. He characterized this as an expression of arrogance, tyranny, and hubris, reflecting the oppressive behavior of the American administration toward the weak and vulnerable nations.
He stated, “The Americans and Israelis both know that the intransigent party in all negotiation rounds is Israel, specifically the criminal Netanyahu. Even the demonstrations held in occupied Jaffa and other areas by Israelis themselves affirm that Netanyahu is the one being obstinate.”
He highlighted that Hamas demonstrated significant flexibility in all rounds of negotiation, eliminating all excuses and justifications from the Americans and Israelis. Hamas even made substantial concessions without compromising the people or the rights of Gaza and its inhabitants, yet the stubbornness of the criminal Netanyahu persists.
The leader of the revolution, Sayyid Abdul-Malik Badr al-Din al-Houthi, confirmed the failure of enemy attempts to target the Yemeni people militarily, security-wise, economically, politically, and through media.
In his speech today, regarding the developments of the Israeli aggression on Gaza and the latest regional and international events, the leader stated: "We can see, by God’s grace, assistance, support, and guidance, that the enemies are failing in all areas to a great extent. There is resilience, steadfastness, unity, and success being achieved by our dear people."
He considered the stance of the Yemeni people, their weekly, million-strong participation complementing the official position and military operations, as a remarkable example of what all Arab nations should be like. The Yemeni stance, he added, has greatly disappointed the enemies, making them view Yemen's internal front as strong and fortified, challenging for them to penetrate or influence.
He called on the Yemeni people to participate in a million-strong rally tomorrow in the capital, Sana'a, and in the other governorates and districts following the approved arrangements. He added, "We are at a very important stage, and massive turnout in the marches holds significant value and great reward from God, as this is part of our jihad."
He continued, "There is a role that deserves recognition and appreciation for those who own means of transportation, for transporting the masses to the locations of the protests and rallies." He pointed out that the turnout of the Yemeni people has been truly millions in scale on week. The turnout for Jumada Rajab Friday, he said, was remarkable, massive, honorable, and distinguished in a way that uplifts and dignifies this nation. He noted that 757 locations witnessed this unparalleled public participation.
He highlighted that the Yemeni people "renewed on Jumada Rajab Friday their pledge to the Messenger of God, peace be upon him and his family, to remain steadfast and continue carrying the banner of Islam and jihad." He affirmed that the Yemeni people, through their sincere faith demonstrated in their stance, steadfastness, support, values, and commitment to truth and dignity, assert their continuation on this path.
The leader also spoke about military operations during this week in the frontlines of Yemen's faith and jihad, which targeted Israeli enemy positions in the heart of occupied Palestine using hypersonic missiles and drones.
He clarified that this week witnessed a confrontation with the American aircraft carrier "Truman," marking the third such engagement and the sixth overall with aircraft carriers. This latest confrontation coincided with American preparations to launch major aggressive operations against Yemen, which were foiled with God's assistance.
He added, "This week highlighted a tactical achievement by the Americans militarily in developing rapid escape operations. The 'Truman' carrier fled immediately and returned promptly, as did all the formations of fighter aircraft that had taken off from its deck to carry out aggressive missions." He pointed out that the "Truman" had to divert course and retreat towards the northernmost part of the Red Sea.
The leader also confirmed that military operations had reached occupied "Jaffa" and "Ashkelon," and targeted a subsidiary power station and the second-largest power station, "Orot Rabin," south of occupied Haifa. He emphasized the significant psychological impact of Yemen's operations, inducing fear, anxiety, and turmoil among the enemy, as well as the enemy’s failure to counter the missiles.
He stated, "The scale of fear, panic, extreme anxiety, and major distress is expanding, with alarm sirens sounding in more than 234 cities and settlements in Palestine, which means more than half of the Jewish Zionists are fleeing to shelters in response to these sirens."
He added, "The Israeli enemy is under significant stress due to its inability to intercept the missiles launched by Yemeni armed forces." He pointed out that a missile fired at dawn on Friday was claimed to have been intercepted, but video footage showed its clear arrival, a failure that deeply troubles the enemy.
The leader also noted that the enemy has challenges related to intercepting missiles, including high costs and wide-ranging debris, sometimes spreading over distances of up to 80 kilometers.
He concluded, "The Israeli enemy is also affected in terms of aviation movement at Ben Gurion Airport, as flights are forced to halt during operations. This has influenced many aviation companies' decisions to resume flights."
Regarding the impact of the Yemeni Armed Forces' military operations on the Zionist economy, Sayyid Abdul-Malik Al-Houthi emphasized that the economic repercussions for the Israeli enemy are significant. The Israeli entity has been compelled by these operations to impose substantial price hikes.
He referred to reports in the enemy's media about the price increases, describing them as a "tsunami" affecting various goods and public services, impacting every Zionist settler household. He also highlighted the ongoing reverse migration, with over 82,000 settlers leaving in 2024. Additionally, there have been bankruptcies of Zionist economic companies, with 50,000 businesses shutting down in 2024.
Sayyid Al-Houthi mentioned a security achievement this week with the capture of a British espionage network, saying, "Praise be to God, there are many security accomplishments, and the enemies are suffering great failures in the security domain, which is a very important field."
He noted various public activities, foremost among them the widespread tribal gatherings that featured strong participation. Yemeni tribesmen, armed and resolute, have demonstrated a serious stance in support of the Palestinian people and readiness for any escalation targeting Yemen.
He stated, "The strength of our people's position is evident, whether through the scale of protests in different governorates or the values of faith and courage held by our noble, free Yemeni tribes." He affirmed that the Yemeni tribes are a military force with significant combat skills and experience, forming the backbone of Yemeni society.
Sayyid Abdul-Malik Al-Houthi highlighted the extensive training programs that have resulted in more than 800,000 trained individuals. When added to the regular armed forces, the number far exceeds one million. Furthermore, he mentioned the organization of hundreds of thousands of seminars, gatherings, and awareness events in an intensive educational campaign.
He began his speech by discussing the genocide committed by the Israeli enemy in Gaza, with more than 4,000 massacres, including 30 this week alone. He criticized President Biden for recently approving a large arms deal in the White House, providing bombs, shells, and ammunition to the Israeli enemy to kill Palestinian women and children.
He condemned the crime of starvation, in which complicit cowardly regimes are participating by standing idly by while the Palestinian people suffer from hunger. He stated that the Israeli enemy continues its policy of restricting supplies to Gaza, allowing only minimal aid to enter.
He noted that the Israeli enemy has formed gangs of traitors and collaborators to loot aid within Gaza, near the military checkpoints established by the Zionist entity. He explained that this week, Israeli soldiers themselves have started looting the minimal aid that trickles into Gaza directly.
The leader of the revolution said that the Israeli enemy has created a crisis-ridden reality in Gaza by systematically targeting its healthcare infrastructure. He pointed to the attack on Kamal Adwan Hospital as a blatant violation and one of the major crimes committed in Gaza.
He renewed his condemnation of the Israeli enemy's targeting of the Indonesian Hospital and other medical facilities providing basic services under a severe blockade. He highlighted the fact that Israeli criminals in the Knesset continue to demand more aggression, tyranny, and destruction of all aspects of life in Gaza.
The oppressive Zionist entity targets displaced Palestinians, with the entire population of Gaza now effectively displaced without proper shelter. It aims to employ every means of extermination and deprivation, stripping the people of all necessities and legitimate human rights.
Sayyid Abdul-Malik Badr al-Din al-Houthi emphasized that the Zionist enemy continues its repeated incursions into the Al-Aqsa Mosque by Zionist Jews. He pointed out that these incursions are part of a calculated strategy to normalize these actions in the eyes of Muslims, making them appear routine and acceptable.
He noted that the ultimate goal of the Zionist Jews was to destroy Al-Aqsa Mosque and build their so-called temple on its site. Each step they take is deliberate. He warned of the dangerous “conditioning” tactic employed by the Zionists to accustom the Muslim nation to their aggressive actions.
Sayyid Al-Houthi also highlighted the violations against the Ibrahimi Mosque in Hebron, where the enemy prohibits the call to prayer through loudspeakers, frequently closes the mosque to Palestinians, and targets mosques as part of its campaign against Islam and Muslims.
He explained that the Israeli enemy continues its crimes of incursions, killing, and destruction in the West Bank and Jerusalem. These attacks involve killings, kidnappings, demolitions, and the destruction of Palestinian infrastructure.
He added, "Not a single day passes in the West Bank without an Israeli attack on its residents. Meanwhile, one of the prominent Zionist criminals calls for genocides in Jenin, Nablus, and Tulkarm similar to those committed in Jabalia in Gaza. Despite all the actions of the Israeli enemy, the Palestinian Authority compounds the misery and suffering of the Palestinian people in the West Bank."
Sayyid Al-Houthi criticized the repressive apparatus of the Palestinian Authority for mimicking the aggressive behavior of the Israeli occupation. He condemned the PA’s actions, particularly its disgraceful handover of a Palestinian woman to the Israeli forces, calling it a betrayal of honor and dignity.
He expressed sorrow over the infiltration of the PA by the Israeli enemy, noting that Israeli agents occupy critical positions within the authority, posing a significant danger to the Palestinian people. He explained that this stems from a flawed understanding among some within the PA, who see resistance and struggle against the enemy as the root of the problem rather than the solution.
He clarified that the Israeli enemy’s objective of complete occupation of all of Palestine and large portions of the Arab world under the banner of "Greater Israel" remains unchanged. The Zionists work incrementally to achieve their goals through cumulative gains. He highlighted two factors delaying their expansion: resistance and jihad, and their insufficient settler population.
"The enemy lacks the necessary number of settlers to spread across all the geographic areas they aim to occupy, and they are persistently working to bring in more Jews," he said. He asserted that Zionist Jews rally behind leaders they perceive as strong in their stance against Arabs, particularly the Palestinian people.
Sayyid Al-Houthi added, "Those who emerge from among the Palestinian people and the broader Muslim nation as strong defenders against these enemies are attacked and maligned by many within the same Muslim nation. Some regimes even classify them as 'terrorists' on their lists."
He also criticized the defamatory propaganda and misleading media campaigns by some individuals in Palestine and certain Arab regimes against those who confront the Israeli enemy.
Regarding the situation in Lebanon, Sayyid Abdul-Malik Badr al-Din al-Houthi stated that the Israeli enemy continues to violate the ceasefire agreement by bombing, indiscriminate gunfire, demolitions, and the destruction of homes. Despite these efforts, he asserted that the Zionist enemy fails repeatedly in its aggression against Lebanon and the South, as it has failed to achieve its stated goal of eliminating Hezbollah, which remains a strong and influential presence in the Lebanese arena.
He said, "Hezbollah is recovering and growing stronger, becoming an established, rooted, solid, and resilient front against the Israeli enemy. The Israeli enemy, alongside the Americans and, unfortunately, with the cooperation of some Arab regimes, is working to interfere in Lebanon's internal affairs and political landscape."
Addressing all factions in Lebanon, Sayyid al-Houthi emphasized their great responsibility to act with awareness, understanding, and focus on the interests and stability of their country. He noted that aligning with the Israeli enemy will have negative consequences, even for those who support it.
He added, "Those who conspire, scheme, and meddle in Lebanon are ultimately harming themselves, not just Lebanon’s stability." He affirmed that the true interest of all Lebanese people, and Lebanon as a whole, lies in prioritizing internal stability, which is a genuine national interest.
Regarding the situation in Syria, Sayyid Abdul-Malik al-Houthi stated that the Israeli enemy continues its aggression against Syria through airstrikes, targeting the remaining industrial facilities. The enemy seeks to solidify its control over the areas it recently invaded and occupied, indicating it has no intention of a temporary presence.
He explained that Israel’s control in Syria is tied to its interests, which revolve around occupation and plundering. The Zionist enemy is bringing in additional military reinforcements to Syria, building fortifications, and setting up pre-fabricated houses. The entity has reached the Al-Mantara Dam, the largest dam in southern Syria.
He pointed out that the Americans are exploiting the situation on another front in Syria to expand their presence and control in eastern areas, establishing new military bases. The U.S. aims to position itself as a hub for recruitment and influence.
Sayyid al-Houthi expressed sadness that in Syria, the Americans are protecting their military bases and the oil fields they have seized using mercenaries recruited from among the Syrian people.
He continued, "The Americans want Arabs in other countries to adopt a functional role by guarding American bases that occupy their lands and plunder their nation's wealth." He clarified that the American and Israeli enemies will not be content with simply occupying the territories they continue to expand into but will strive to penetrate Syria's internal affairs deeply.
He highlighted that both the Americans and Israelis are recruiting spies and subversive cells to target the Syrian people’s security, incite strife, and fragment society. They also exploit ill-conceived policies that negatively impact minorities, presenting themselves as protectors of these minorities in Syria.
He remarked, "It is a grave mistake to have negative policies towards minorities in Syria, as this provides a free service to the Americans and Israelis. All Syrians must unite to protect their homeland from these enemies."
Sayyid al-Houthi also spoke about the Israeli enemy recently publishing a new map that included territories in Lebanon, Syria, and Jordan, along with previously issued maps as part of a phased expansion plan accompanied by provocative statements. He stressed that everyone in Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, and Palestine must understand that Israel holds aggressive ambitions, seeking to dominate and plunder these countries.
He described the phased map published by the Israeli enemy as highly provocative and aggressive. He concluded by emphasizing that for these nations to protect themselves from the American and Israeli enemies and safeguard their lands and wealth, they must be independent, free, dignified, and firmly established in a position of strength.
He said, "The policies currently adopted by Jordan and Syria will not change Israel's agenda, nor will they cause the Zionist entity to abandon its ambitions. The entity remains adamant in its greed and hostile policies, as evidenced by official statements and clear stances."
The leader of the revolution emphasized that both the Israeli and American adversaries are driven by greed and are pursuing their aggressive plans in line with their stated policies to achieve their hostile objectives. He urged the need for the nation to adopt a true and effective stance against the Israeli enemy to deter it from achieving its ambitions.
He pointed out that adopting policies of submission and complacency will not serve the nation in any way or deter the American and Israeli forces from their ambitions. He stressed that cooperation with the Americans and Israelis essentially facilitates their efforts to achieve their goals at minimal cost, labeling such policies as profoundly misguided.
He added, "Our nation must take the initiative with a strong and rightful stance against the Israeli enemy to support the Palestinian people, who are on the frontlines. The more the nation—its peoples and countries, especially those surrounding Palestine—stands firmly with the Palestinian people, the more it protects itself and at least delays the imminent threats it faces."
He highlighted that the current policies of most Arab regimes only embolden the Israeli enemy against the Palestinian people. He further remarked that this week, countries outside the Arab and Islamic world have shown bolder stances in support of Palestine, such as Brazil.
Continuing, he stated, "In Brazil, there has been a judicial movement to hold Israeli criminal soldiers accountable, even when they visit Brazil for leisure and tourism. The judicial pursuit has extended from Brazil to Chile and Sri Lanka to prosecute these Israeli soldiers. This bold and advanced action instills fear among the Zionist criminals." He added that such judicial pursuits against Israeli soldiers are initiatives that some Arab regimes dare not take.
The leader noted that the Qassam Brigades, Saraya Al-Quds, and other resisting factions in Gaza have maintained their resistance 15 months into Israel's comprehensive aggression. He pointed out that the Qassam Brigades carried out over 10 impactful operations this week, including strikes on settlements in what is known as the "Gaza envelope."
He added, "One of the significant operations by the Qassam Brigades this week was targeting an Apache helicopter with a missile in central Gaza. Meanwhile, Saraya Al-Quds carried out diverse operations, including detonating explosive devices, direct confrontations, and rocket strikes on the 'Sderot' settlement, causing damage and widespread panic among the settlers."
The leader also noted operations in the West Bank this week, including a heroic operation east of Qalqilya that resulted in Israeli casualties, both killed and wounded. He affirmed that these heroic jihadist operations have successfully hindered Israel from achieving its goals, starting with its ambitions in Gaza.
The leader of the revolution explained that jihadist operations and the immense resilience of the Palestinian people are the biggest obstacles facing the Israeli enemy. He emphasized that it is the duty of all Muslims to provide every form of support to the resistance fighters in Gaza and Palestine and to stand firmly and seriously with the Palestinian cause.
He stressed that the Muslim nation bears a great responsibility, and the consequences of neglecting it grow more severe the longer Israeli crimes against the Palestinian people persist. He held Arab nations accountable, stating that their disengagement from this responsibility does not absolve them from the grave sins, consequences, and repercussions they will face both in this world and the hereafter.
The leader warned of the dangerous reality when the enemy gains control over governments and nations that have betrayed and abandoned their responsibilities.
He referred to former President Donald Trump’s statement this week, where Trump threatened to "open the gates of hell" if Israeli hostages were not released before he returned to the White House. He characterized this as an expression of arrogance, tyranny, and hubris, reflecting the oppressive behavior of the American administration toward the weak and vulnerable nations.
He stated, “The Americans and Israelis both know that the intransigent party in all negotiation rounds is Israel, specifically the criminal Netanyahu. Even the demonstrations held in occupied Jaffa and other areas by Israelis themselves affirm that Netanyahu is the one being obstinate.”
He highlighted that Hamas demonstrated significant flexibility in all rounds of negotiation, eliminating all excuses and justifications from the Americans and Israelis. Hamas even made substantial concessions without compromising the people or the rights of Gaza and its inhabitants, yet the stubbornness of the criminal Netanyahu persists.