I seek refuge in Allah from Satan, the outcast.
In the name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful.
Praise is to Allah, Lord of the Worlds. I believe that there is no god but Allah, the Sovereign and the Manifest Truth, and that Muhammad, our master, is His servant, Messenger, and Last Prophet.
O Allah, confer Your salat and blessings upon Muhammad and the Family of Muhammad as You conferred Your salat and blessings upon Ibrahim and the Family of Ibrahim. You are Owner of Praise, Owner of Glory! And be pleased with Muhammad's good companions and all Your righteous servants and mujahidin.
Brothers and sisters, peace be upon you and the mercy of Allah and His blessings.
The Israeli enemy, along with the Americans—since the Israeli position is fundamentally linked to that of the Americans—was forced to enter into this agreement after all these months of horrific crimes it committed in the Gaza Strip. This decision comes out of necessity; otherwise, the Israeli and American options were clear in terms of the objectives they sought to achieve through the aggression on the Gaza Strip.
In full partnership with the Americans, the Israeli enemy continued its efforts to exterminate the Palestinian people in Gaza, committing collective massacres that have exceeded 4,050 massacres! It aims to annihilate the Palestinian people while starving them, destroying all essentials of life in Gaza, carrying out cold-blooded executions, and abducting thousands, imprisoning them, and subjecting them to the most horrific forms and practices of torture.
The scene in Gaza during this entire period presents two images. One is the profound oppression, which is an extension of the Palestinian people's suffering that has lasted for over a century. This oppression has intensified during this round of Israeli brutal aggression in partnership with the Americans and amid significant passivity among the Arabs, as well as other Islamic countries, and even complicity of some Arab regimes in favour of the Israeli enemy.
Large-scale acts of genocide have been carried out by the Israeli enemy against the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip before the very eyes of the whole world. These crimes were documented and broadcasted by various media outlets. Also, starvation has also been committed. The world witnessed the starvation of the Palestinian people, as the Israeli enemy blocked food supplies, allowing the entry of only a minimal amount of food.
Additionally, the Israeli enemy has striven to destroy the health infrastructure and completely eliminate medical services. It has made hospitals primary military targets, and it openly declared this and launched aggressive military campaigns against them, using its military power (including airstrikes, tank shelling, offensive operations, and assaults) and targeting healthcare personnel. As a result, these facilities end up being completely destroyed and burned, just like what happened to Al-Shifa Hospital and Kamal Adwan Hospital.
The Israeli enemy has targeted hundreds of thousands of the displaced living in fabric tents, which were bombed with incendiary and destructive bombs—American bombs.
In the Gaza Strip, the Israeli enemy has targeted all the Palestinian people without exception—it has targeted them all. It has targeted civilians in general and all segments of society: journalists and healthcare workers, children and women, and the elderly and the young. It has also targeted all essentials of life in a barbaric way, as it received substantial American support. The Americans provided the Israeli enemy with vast quantities of destructive bombs, so it has dropped tens of thousands of tons of explosive and destructive bombs on the Gaza Strip. Furthermore, the Israeli enemy practiced torture on the captives and abductees in the most horrific manner and in ways that violate human dignity.
This is the image of the great injustice faced by the Palestinian people, which is a clear injustice recognised by the entire world. It has been documented more extensively than any other injustice in any other part of the world. Therefore, it is a clear matter that cannot be denied or ignored.
As for the other image of the scene in Gaza over these fifteen months, it is the unparalleled resilience, immense patience, and great steadfastness and cohesion of the Palestinian people and their dear mujahidin.
Our fellow mujahidin in the Gaza Strip from the Al-Qassam Brigades, as well as the Al-Quds Brigades and other jihadist factions, have shown great steadfastness and resistance in the most difficult circumstances and with limited capabilities. What the Israeli enemy has mobilised to eliminate them, annihilate them, eradicate them, and end the Resistance completely is substantial: It has employed hundreds of thousands of soldiers and a large number of tanks in those aggressive operations aimed at destroying everything in the Gaza Strip; it has also conducted comprehensive brutal bombardment and destroyed everything there. Nonetheless, the Israeli enemy has failed, despite possessing enormous capabilities and direct support from the Americans in terms of intelligence activities and aerial surveillance aimed at providing all the necessary information to completely end the Resistance and eliminate all the mujahidin in the Gaza Strip. This is not to mention the long-standing blockade the mujahidin have been enduring. In fact, the Resistance emerged under such a blockade from the beginning and without necessary resources—they had only limited resources.
In addition, the Israeli enemy has employed every available tactic to decisively win the battle and suppress any jihadist or resistant activities in the Gaza Strip. It utilised different tactics, and the Americans joined it in that to achieve this objective. However, it has utterly failed. This was, first and foremost, due to the great faith, determination, valour, and readiness for sacrifice of our fellow mujahidin in the Gaza Strip and their heroic and self-scarifying actions. These mujahidin exhibited all these values: unmatched valour and dedication, will-power, and faith-driven determination and resolve. This is what faith can inspire. At the same time, they adapted to various military conditions and excelled in their combat tactics, effectively adjusting to any military scenario.
Thus, the Israeli enemy, along with the Americans, found that whenever it relied on a specific tactic or a particular, carefully designed military plan supported by all destructive combat capabilities, it ultimately met with failure. It repeated its incursions in the northern part of the Gaza Strip and elsewhere, announcing its control, but it soon faced renewed operations that inflicted heavy casualties on its officers and soldiers, destroyed its equipment, and caused it direct losses.
The heroic, self-sacrificial jihadist scenes of the fellow mujahidin in the Gaza Strip were great, remarkable, stunning, and deeply impactful even on the morale of the enemies. These scenes also played a significant role in bringing them to a state of despair. This is because after causing all this destruction, devastation, and killing and after using every possible means and tactic, they have failed, and the jihadist operations are still ongoing! Such operations have even escalated with creativity and diversity in tactics and the use of suitable means, despite having very limited capabilities. The missile operations also continue to strike what is referred to as 'the Gaza envelope'. Moreover, numerous operations were carried out at point-blank range, during engaging with enemy soldiers and officers, resulting in casualties among them. This great scene serves as an important and profound lesson, with immense significance in terms of the very important results achieved. In fact, Israeli failure can be measured by the following considerations:
This, therefore, shows the extent of Israeli failure.
The Palestinian people in Gaza have also shown great steadfastness, despite facing daily acts of genocide. Daily massacres have never stopped, as not a single day has passed without collective massacres being committed. The Israeli enemy has employed every means of annihilation and intimidation that many other peoples might not endure, yet it has failed. It causes complete destruction, obliterating all the foundations of life and leaving no trace of them. When you watch the images and videos of the Gaza Strip—its cities, neighbourhoods, and camps—you see no signs or traces of life in most areas of the Gaza Strip. Yet, you witness the resilience, steadfastness, and cohesion of the Palestinian people.
Through these crimes, the Israeli enemy was actively seeking to displace the people of the Gaza Strip, leaving no hope for them to live if they insisted on being in Gaza, their land. Despite the genocide, the severe starvation, and the lack of healthcare, which the Israeli enemy has targeted extensively, despite all forms of suffering, which have intensified with the harsh cold and the deprivation of all heating means, the Palestinian people remained steadfast and committed to the choice made by the Resistance, embracing the Resistance and standing firm in their land, in their homeland, in their country.
The same applies to the steadfastness of the political position of the brothers in the Hamas movement, who remained loyal to the steadfastness and sacrifices made by our fellow mujahidin on the ground and by the Palestinian people in Gaza, who remained steadfast and resilient. So they showed political steadfastness and rejected the humiliating conditions that the Israeli enemy imposed to gain total control over the Gaza Strip and force surrender: The Israeli enemy sought to make the terms as terms of surrender and any agreement as a surrender agreement for Hamas. Political steadfastness has prevailed despite the many pressures originating from America, the Western world, and many Arab regimes, as well as the pressure resulting from the situation on the ground. This steadfastness is also a great lesson and crowns the comprehensive image of the resilience, endurance, and cohesion of our dear brothers in the Gaza Strip—of the mujahedin, the Palestinian people, and the political leaders.
As for the Americans, they resorted to seeking an agreement only after facing this significant failure, which has become clear that it offers no prospects. It's a continuous failure with no end in sight, and there is no hope left, even within the occupying entity itself. The Israelis themselves, including many of their leaders, media figures, and think tanks, live in frustration and despair, which is the general state there. The image of failure is constantly reinforced: Every time Palestinian operations escalate again, the sense of failure deepens for the Israeli enemy.
Despite launching an aggression of such magnitude, brutality, and criminality and enjoying an American green light and American participation in everything, including violating all laws, norms, regulations, and sanctities, the Israeli enemy has not achieved its declared objectives in its aggression on the Gaza Strip.
The Israeli enemy had clear and stated objectives: They wanted to retrieve their captives without engaging in a prisoner exchange, using force instead. However, they experienced a shocking and significant failure in this endeavour. Even during their incursions into the Gaza Strip—whether in the north, the centre, or the south—they still could not succeed, despite their extensive intelligence capabilities and military actions. This failure occurred under very challenging conditions faced by the fellow mujahidin in Gaza in terms of hiding the captives and preventing the Israeli enemy from locating them. The Israeli enemy's failure is evident, and many Israelis acknowledge their failure to achieve this goal.
They also failed to eliminate the Resistance in Gaza, which was another publicly stated objective. They aimed to eradicate all mujahidin in the Gaza Strip and end all resistant activities there. They wanted to see no means or ability for resistance there and no organised structure for the mujahidin to continue their jihad and resistance. To achieve this, they mobilised enormous resources and committed all atrocities—acts that others wouldn't dare to do—with significant participation by the Americans. Indeed, the Americans are involved in this battle. At times, the Israelis appeared more like a front, making the war and aggression distinctly American in nature.
The Israeli enemy also failed to forcibly displace the Palestinian people from the Gaza Strip, and this is an evident failure. After this aggression, despite all that criminality, tyranny, savagery, brutality, destruction, and killing, both the Israelis and Americans have achieved nothing but failure. If they call it success—even though it doesn't truly represent success—they have achieved nothing except for several outcomes:
This is what they have accomplished; these are the results they have achieved: crimes—a huge record of criminality that is unparalleled. This is what they have accomplished within a limited geographical area: they have succeeded in exterminating a certain percentage of the population, including children and women, the elderly and the young. This is criminal behaviour, not a military success. The reality is that they have failed, and this failure, as we mentioned, is due to the resilience of the Palestinian people, their mujahidin, and the popular base of support standing with the mujahidin.
There are very important lessons to be learned from this round—the fifteen-month round in the history of this conflict between the Israelis and the Palestinians, which is also a conflict involving the entire Ummah. This battle targets the entire Ummah. This round stands out as one of the most significant rounds in the history of the Palestinian people, particularly in terms of the scale of aggression and extermination. The conflict is ongoing; the Israeli aggression against the Palestinian people has persisted since the first day the occupying Zionists arrived to seize Palestine. It has been ongoing for seventy-seven years of occupation, persecution, and injustice against the Palestinian people. However, there have been various rounds during this period. This is not to mention the British occupation that preceded that period. Therefore, the suffering of the Palestinian people has lasted for over a century. Of all rounds throughout the different phases of this conflict, this round has been the largest in terms of the scale of aggression, brutality, and extermination against the Palestinian people and in terms of Palestinian resilience. Indeed, the resilience shown by the Palestinian people during this round has surpassed that of any previous rounds—what a remarkable resilience! This is a significant achievement for the Palestinian people and serves as an encouraging sign for their future. With this level of steadfastness, strong will, and commitment to their just cause, they are much closer to being granted victory by Allah (Glory be to Him) and reaching the inevitable outcome that will be definitely realised: the dismantling of the temporary entity. This entity is indeed temporary, and even the Israelis acknowledge this truth. They were terrified during this round that the end might be near, and this fear was evident both before and during the round. This was clear in various statements, studies, and so on.
Regarding the very important lessons from this round—which has been, as we said, the most prominent round in the history of the Palestinian people in terms of the scale of Israeli aggression and extermination, as well as the resilience and steadfastness shown by the Palestinian people—there is a very important lesson: the necessity of jihad in the path of Allah and resistance against the enemies. This is an essential choice for protecting peoples and securing their legitimate rights. Such a choice is imperative, alongside pursuing all elements of power, steadfastness, cohesion, and victory. The Palestinian cause is very clear—it's the clearest cause in the world, with no ambiguity whatsoever. When you look at international law, which is upheld by the current global system, you find that right is on the side of the Palestinians. When you turn to United Nations charters, you find that right is on their side. When you consider divine law, you find that right is on their side. In every respect, they are the ones in the right, and no one can deny that right except those who deny it for themselves. In other words, anyone who claims that the Palestinian people have no rights to their land, their sacred places, or their freedom and independence is also denying their own rights, for these are established rights, recognised among all humanity.
The Palestinian people have a clear right and a just cause, and they are suffering from evident injustice. What the Israeli enemy has done to them over the past seventy-seven years is all oppression, all aggression, and all criminality—criminal acts in every form and manner. Therefore, the injustice is evident, and its facts are undeniable. The scale of the horrific crimes committed by the Israeli enemy against the Palestinian people in the present and the past—tremendous acts of genocide, war crimes, and crimes against humanity have been committed. All the descriptions used for crimes apply to what the Israeli enemy has done against the Palestinian people. Despite this, there has been no protection for the Palestinian people, including children, women, and civilians. Despite the fact that the Palestinian people are all civilians, no protection has been provided by international organisations that present themselves as dedicated to establishing justice and protecting peoples and their legitimate rights.
What did the United Nations do? The Israelis have mocked it and torn its charter apart. Indeed, the criminal Netanyahu mocked it on its own platform and scorned it. The UN has not taken any real action against the Israeli enemy, if only to rid itself of the immense disgrace of having recognised the Israeli enemy as a member. This is an old sin committed by the UN, a great shame, a denial of legitimate rights, and a reward at the time for the Israeli enemy. At a time when the Israeli enemy committed horrific crimes and occupied large parts of Palestine, the UN recognised it as a member state!This is a profound disgrace. At the very least, the UN should have expelled the Israeli enemy, removing its membership entirely. Keeping it as a member is an enduring disgrace, far removed from justice, legitimate rights, humanity, and all principles of fairness.
The countries that call themselves the international community, which typically intervene in conflicts here or there under the guise of a humanitarian agenda—often a colonialist agenda—have not intervened this time. They did not impose a no-fly zone, as they have done in other countries and events, to protect certain areas from aerial attacks, which is a well-known practice. Nor did they impose safe zones, as they have done in other regions, to protect areas from military attacks, artillery strikes, or armed bombardment. None of this was done for Gaza. The Palestinian people were left exposed to the criminal, aggressive Israeli assault without any form of protection—no protection whatsoever even for specific groups within the Palestinian population. For example, they did not provide protection for children in Gaza to prevent targeting them, nor protection for women. Where are children's rights? Where are women's rights? Where are human rights? All of these principles were abandoned, while the Israeli enemy was given free rein. They were supplied with weapons, ammunition, and shells to commit genocide: to exterminate children, women, the elderly, and the young, as well as displaced people. These bombs and shells came from the US, Britain, Germany, and France. Neither the so-called international community nor anyone else intervened at all!
There was no heed paid to the voices around the world calling for an end to the genocide against the Palestinian people, neither from official governments in some countries nor from popular demonstrations. Even student and university protests in America and Europe were brutally suppressed, with humiliation and violations of all legitimate rights. Student protests in America and in some European countries were even labelled as anti-Semitic, just to justify their brutal suppression with impunity.
The passivity shown by most Arab countries at the official level is also evident, with their populations restrained and immobilised under the constraints of official positions, unable to act and remaining stagnant. Behind this Arab passivity lies the failure of most other Islamic countries as well, because these countries are influenced by the Arab position. For this reason, the responsibility for passivity weighs heavier on the Arabs than on others.If the Arabs had acted appropriately, even at the bare minimum—such as politically boycotting the Israeli enemy, implementing sincere and serious economic boycotts, and taking steps and measures to practically support the Palestinian people and genuinely assist their mujahidin—other Islamic countries would have followed suit at a greater level. These countries are freer and more inclined to act.However, even when some Islamic countries do act despite Arab passivity, they face criticism from within the Arab world itself! Arab regimes criticise them, tarnish their reputation, and take negative stances against them. Therefore, the Arab failure significantly influences the reluctance of most other Islamic countries to act.
Worse than that, there was collusion by certain Arab regimes since the very beginning of Operation Al-Aqsa Flood. During Blinken's early visit on his initial tour following the operation of Al-Aqsa Flood, certain Arab regimes took positions that encouraged the Americans and Israelis to act as they did against the Palestinian people in Gaza—complicit positions that supported genocide and other crimes.
However, amidst all this, it is clear that the significant factor behind the failure of the Israeli enemy, along with its American ally, is Palestinian steadfastness, which endured. As for the expectation of action from the United Nations or the Security Council, the Security Council is constrained by the American veto—something that has been evident in this round and previous ones. Nevertheless, Palestinian steadfastness has proved to be the fundamental factor in the failure of the enemies.
Alongside Palestinian steadfastness came the support that manifested on multiple fronts. The greatest role in this support, and the most significant sacrifice within it, came from Hezbollah in Lebanon. Hezbollah's support front was extremely strong and had a profound impact on the Israeli enemy. It even led to a full-scale war with Israel when it launched its comprehensive aggression against Lebanon. Hezbollah provided on the support fronts what no other nation or group has contributed on any of its fronts. No regime contributed in the same way, nor did any group offer the same level of sacrifice as Hezbollah. It made tremendous sacrifices, first and foremost its loss of the martyr of Islam and humanity, his eminence Al-Sayyid Hassan Nasrallah, the Secretary-General of Hezbollah (May Allah be pleased with him), alongside many martyrs from Hezbollah, including leaders, cadres, and numerous fighters. Additionally, from the popular base, Hezbollah made significant sacrifices on its front and contributed real support in the battle against the Israeli enemy. The Iraqi front also contributed significantly.
The solidarity activities with the Palestinian people in many countries at the grassroots level also hold great significance. They hold humanitarian value and importance. This is because what the Americans sought from the very beginning, since the onset of the Israeli aggression on the Gaza Strip, was to isolate the Palestinian people in Gaza, without any supporting movements. This was a fundamental matter for both the Americans and the Israelis: to isolate the Palestinian people, with no voice or action to support them. Therefore, they began their aggression on Gaza with a propaganda campaign filled with horrific falsehoods against the operation of Al-Aqsa Flood, aiming to distort the image of the Palestinian people, Hamas, and the Palestinian resistance factions. What was the other goal of this campaign? It was to generate global sympathy for the Israelis, to make everyone accept what the Israeli enemy was doing, justifying their actions, no matter how criminal, oppressive, aggressive, or barbaric they were. In their continuous efforts to distort the truth, they wanted to create a negative image and a false sense of victimhood for the Israelis, who were the real perpetrators. However, they failed in this endeavour, as many solidarity activities continued to take place in many countries around the world. For instance, this week, demonstrations were held in sixteen countries in solidarity with the Palestinian people. This weekly outpouring of support in many countries, along with similar forms of solidarity, is of great importance.
The courageous positions of certain countries at the official level, particularly regarding economic and political boycotts by countries in Latin America and others, also hold significant importance. This demonstrates that the Americans did not succeed in their plan, as we mentioned, to isolate the Palestinian people in silence and without any intervention or opposition from others.
Regarding the support front in Yemen (the land of faith, wisdom, and jihad), this front has stood out, particularly in this round, and surprised the world. Indeed, Yemen's position, with its effectiveness, comprehensiveness, momentum, continuity, and steadfastness, has been unexpected, as it surprised the Americans, the Israelis, and most countries and peoples, as well as observers and political analysts. No one expected Yemen's position to emerge at such a level, with such effectiveness and influence seen in its powerful naval operations, bombing campaigns deep into Palestine against Israeli targets, and the broad and immense popular movement. The position of the support front in Yemen is a comprehensive position.
At the level of military operations, there have been ongoing military operations at a high intensity. The approach to military operations has been to do everything we can and to maintain continuous efforts aimed at achieving even greater results. This is clearly evident in the missile strikes and the escalation of naval operations, which ultimately led to a decisive outcome, thanks to Allah, the Almighty.
Since the beginning of the operation of Al-Aqsa Flood, the missile strikes as part of the military operations in support of Palestine involved 1,255 missiles, including ballistic missiles, cruise missiles, hypersonic missiles, and drones. This is not to mention naval operations that included warboats. This figure comes amid very difficult circumstances faced by our dear people, including limited resources and a challenging economic situation. Nevertheless, However, there has been a strong commitment to do what is possible and to continuously improve our capabilities. When the media production is ready, it will showcase the progressive trajectory of the missile strikes and the advancements made. From the beginning, the enemies, particularly the Americans, have sought to provide full protection to the Israeli side. They threatened regional countries to prevent them from taking any action to support the Palestinian people. Additionally, they deployed their naval fleets in the seas and worked to provide military and technical protection by intercepting any attacks against the Israeli enemy. At the same time, certain regimes have collaborated with the Americans in some operations, providing assistance in intercepting missiles and drones aimed at Israeli targets in occupied Palestine. This posed a problem for us at first. When the armed forces initially launched missiles and drones to support the Palestinian people, some of them reached their targets, while the Americans managed to intercept a significant portion at sea. Some Arab regimes also participated in the interception of missiles.
To overcome this obstacle, we faced a significant technical challenge—but by whom? By America, with its immense capabilities. However, despite our extremely difficult circumstances and modest capabilities, by the grace of Allah (the Almighty) and through dedicated efforts to advance our technical capabilities and operational tactics, we have reached a stage where the role of American fleets became negligible. These fleets have been expelled from vast areas of the seas and largely neutralised in their ability to carry out interceptions. As a result, the Israeli enemy has been forced to confront the challenge of interception within occupied Palestine. This matter is clear, and its trajectory is evident, as media coverage, visual evidence, and acknowledgements from Israeli military experts and others all attest to this. The matter is apparent, and the operational path has seen consistent growth and improvement, for it stems from a sincere and determined will, driven by faith, with a deep sense of religious, human, and moral responsibility, and a strong commitment to taking impactful action against the enemy in support of the Palestinian people.
Some of these operations are aimed at occupied Palestine against some targets of the Israeli enemy. These operations have had, and continue to have, a profound impact on the enemy on a large scale, and they led to an immense state of terror and fear among the Zionists across various usurped cities and towns in Palestine, from occupied Jaffa to other regions. When sirens wail, millions of Zionist occupiers panic and flee their beds. According to some Israeli media outlets, over five million Zionists across more than 250 towns and cities leave their beds to rush to shelters. In the frantic escape, some even lose their lives in the stampedes towards the shelters. This widespread state of terror, fear, and anxiety is of great significance.
These operations have affected flight operations at Ben Gurion Airport, with repeated targeting causing many airlines to suspend operations there. They have also affected the economic situation; this is clear, acknowledged by the enemies, and supported by evidence, details, statistics, and figures.
Similarly, the naval operations were initially met with attempts by the enemies to counter them, as they tried to intercept them to protect Israeli ships and those carrying goods for the Israeli enemy. They sought to protect these ships by deploying many naval vessels tasked with intercepting these operations and safeguarding Israeli vessels. However, by the grace of Allah (the Almighty) and through our hard work that opened vast horizons with the help of Allah, they experienced complete failure in every sense of the word. They were unable to protect Israeli ships, nor could they safeguard ships carrying goods for the Zionists. Despite their widespread presence and interception efforts, the ships continued to be targeted.
This is why they entered a new phase of escalation against our country as part of their support for the Israeli enemy. In this phase, America and Britain declared aggression against our country, followed by air and naval raids and bombing operations. They announced their intention to target the missile and drone infrastructure, launch platforms, storage depots, factories, and more. However, they utterly failed in this regard. Their failure is very clear, as they themselves acknowledge, and the reality confirms their failure. This is because the operations persisted and, thanks to Allah (the Almighty), achieved a decisive outcome and a genuine victory by permanently preventing the Israeli enemy from navigating through the Red Sea, the Bab Al-Mandab strait, the Gulf of Aden, and the Arabian Sea, as well as completely shutting down and disrupting the port of Umm Al-Rashrash, referred to by the enemy as Eilat. Consequently, the Israeli workers and administrative staff at the port were dismissed, as there was no longer any work for them. This is a true success.
Shutting down the port of Umm Al-Rashrash, the only port in occupied Palestine overlooking the Red Sea, means preventing the Israeli enemy from using the Red Sea to receive goods or ships. These achievements are true victories, by the grace of Allah (the Almighty). They represent a real success and a significant, clear, and impactful contribution, with evident effects on the Israeli enemy.
What does it signify to disrupt and terminate operations at the port of Umm Al-Rashrash, which the enemy refers to as Eilat? This has deprived the enemy of the substantial and important revenue it used to gain from it. This has also affected the economic situation and the tourism sector in Umm Al-Rashrash, called Eilat by the enemy. The city has since become engulfed in an atmosphere of terror, fear, and unease, leaving the Zionists in a constant state of fear, as evidenced by their numerous acknowledgements of this issue.
The Americans failed to stop this significant contribution. Instead, they became entangled in their aggression against our country as part of their support for Israel, along with their submissive ally, the British regime. As a result, American warships, naval vessels, and affiliated ships have been targeted in the Red Sea, the Gulf of Aden, and the Arabian Sea. This happened because they involved themselves in the aggression against our country, aiming to protect and secure Israel. Consequently, American ships and war vessels have been repeatedly and consistently targeted. The Americans are aggressing against our country, but they do not encounter the passivity seen in many countries, especially Arab countries, which tend to be subdued, stagnant, and silent regarding such actions, or simply issue statements. Instead, they are met with a strong and firm response through military operations and targeting.
There have been multiple engagements with the aircraft carriers, forcing them out of the operational theater. The aircraft carriers Roosevelt and Lincoln were expelled, and now the aircraft carrier Truman is being chased: It is being chased and frequently forced out of the operational theater. American movements in the seas, particularly in the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden, are no longer what they used to be—when they used to be reassuring to some while being obstructive, menacing, and intimidating to others, and no one can dare to respond or target them. Now, the Americans find themselves in an entirely different situation due to those who stand up against them, challenge them, and respond with force and decisiveness to them.
Aircraft carriers have been targeted multiple times and expelled from their operational theatre, and they have failed to provide protection for the Israelis, which is their primary objective. Why do aircraft carriers and warships come?! In this round, they are dispatched to protect the Israelis, but they completely failed to do so. Initially, they managed to intercept some of the missiles and some of the drones, but now they can barely protect themselves, often retreating in panic. They have begun focusing more on improving their escape tactics rather than their offensive tactics. As a result, the aircraft carrier Truman has escaped to the far northern part of the Red Sea, distancing itself more than a thousand kilometres from the Yemeni coasts. It is confronted and attacked whenever it attempts to move forward, forcing it to retreat again, along with the warships accompanying it. With every operation planned by these carriers, they are expelled concurrently with their arrangements and pushed back a significant distance—to the far northern end of the Red Sea.
The Americans have failed to protect the Israelis from the targeting of the Yemeni front, and their aggressive actions have been ineffective in achieving deterrence, protection, or prevention. Therefore, the American failure has compelled the Israeli enemy to directly step in and participate in aggressive operations against our country. At first, the Israelis relied on the Americans to fully protect them from this front (the Yemen front) and to sufficiently fulfil this protective role: to protect the Israelis. However, the Americans completely failed, forcing the Israeli enemy to initiate its aggressive operations against our country, which also failed. These aggressive operations did not halt our supportive operations for the Palestinian people and failed to achieve any significant goals that would affect the military capabilities of our country. The British also failed. In fact, their failures are evident and supported by reality, as well as the numerous testimonies by military personnel, leaders, officials, experts, and others from their media and research centres as well.
Therefore, regarding the military operations and what will follow this agreement that has not yet been implemented, as it is announced to begin this Sunday, we will continue to monitor the situation in Palestine and the Gaza Strip during these days leading up to the implementation of the agreement. In these three days, if the Israeli enemy continues its acts of genocide and escalation, we will carry on with our offensive and military operations in support of the Palestinian people.
Our position concerning the situation in Gaza is aligned with that of the fellow Palestinian mujahidin in Hamas, Islamic Jihad, and other Palestinian factions, including the Al-Qassam Brigades and the Al-Quds Brigades. Our position is with them and will remain so.
From the moment the agreement is implemented, starting this Sunday, we will also be monitoring the stages of its implementation. If at any point the Israeli enemy backtracks on the agreement and resumes its massacres, blockade, and aggression against Gaza, we will be ready to immediately provide military support and conduct operations in support of our Palestinian brothers. So, at any stage the Israeli enemy returns to aggression and escalation, we will be ready to assist.
With Allah's permission and through our reliance on Him for guidance, support, and assistance, we will also keep striving to enhance our military capabilities to achieve stronger, greater, and more effective performance in supporting the Palestinian people. This is a continuous path for us, and we will persist in it, Allah willing.
Regarding our perspective on this phase and what comes after, this stage is, as I mentioned, one of the rounds of escalation against the Israeli enemy. However, the issue has not come to an end. The injustice faced by the Palestinian people is still ongoing; they have the right to enjoy freedom and independence and to be freed from this oppressive, unjust occupation that weighs heavily on Palestine—the Zionist occupation. Therefore, the issue has not come to an end. Indeed, as long as there is an occupation of Palestine, as long as there is a threat to the Palestinian people, and as long as they face oppression, criminality, targeting, killing, siege, and aggression, the issue will never come to an end, and the struggle will continue.
The enemies know no rest and aim to eliminate the Palestinian cause. They also strive to enhance their military capabilities while seeking to strip others of all elements of power. This has been the focus of both the Israelis and the Americans over the past years: working to develop their military capabilities and at the same time to disarm others of all military capabilities and elements of power that could help maintain resilience and cohesion in the face of aggression.
The Americans and Israelis are in a position of aggression, tyranny, injustice, criminality, looting, and occupation. Our position as Arab and Muslim peoples is that of the oppressed, defending ourselves and our clear, legitimate rights. We are targeted peoples; the Americans are the oppressor, the aggressor, the enemy, and the Israelis are also the oppressor, the aggressor, the enemy. The Zionist project that targets our peoples is a destructive, oppressive, and very dangerous project that targets our entire Ummah with all its peoples.
Therefore, we will work based on this foundation. We must be focused on enhancing our capabilities and continuously striving to acquire all elements of power in facing dangers and challenges and in supporting and assisting the Palestinian people, so that we can provide all forms of support for them until they achieve all their legitimate rights, until all of Palestine is cleansed of the Israeli, Zionist, and Jewish occupation, and until the Palestinian people enjoy complete freedom and independence.
Regarding the public activities, which are immense and unparalleled in the world, they are a source of great honour for our dear Yemeni people. They are a true embodiment and clear testament to what the Messenger of Allah (PBUH&F) stated: 'The belief is that of the Yemenites, and sagacity is that of the Yemenites.' Our people have continued throughout this period, over the last fifteen months, with weekly million-strong demonstrations and a variety of activities.
Last week, our dear people held a massive demonstration, and that demonstration coincided with airstrikes on the past Friday carried out as part of a joint operation between the Israeli and American forces and also the British forces, as they claim. However, we are not sure if they actually participated or just wanted to be included in the list of participants.
One thing that has been noticed is that the Americans avoided using the term 'joint operation' and instead used 'coordinated operation', trying to frame it that way, although it was a joint operation: They are all in the same position, pursuing the same cause and fighting the same battle, and they are involved in the same aggression against our country for the same purpose. Why are the Americans attacking our country? They are doing so in support of the Israelis, to protect the Israelis, and for the sake of the Israelis. So what could they consider as joint operations? Is it that they are all on the same plane or is it that they have the same position in support of the same cause and fight the same battle within the same aggression?! What more is needed for them to be considered in a joint operation?!
The aggressive operations against our country coincided with the weekly million-strong demonstrations but failed to have any impact on them. They simultaneously targeted Sana'a, Al-Hudaydah, and Amran, which tells a lot and demonstrates the steadfastness of our dear people, their determination, and their faith.
The million-strong crowds in the capital, Sana'a, sent a powerful message with their persistence in holding the grand rally in Al-Sabeen Square, despite the nearby airstrikes on the presidential palace and Al-Nahdain. Although the airstrikes were close to the grand rally, the crowds remained resolute, chanting loudly, and no one fled. The Israeli enemy wished, and even sought, to see scenes similar to those in occupied Jaffa, where the Zionist usurpers are used to flee when the sirens are sounded because a Yemeni missile is approaching—they run in millions from their beds to shelters! They hoped to witness similar scenes of panic and chaos, but they did not witness the image they longed for and sought; instead, they and the whole world saw a completely different image—one of faith-driven resilience, steadfastness, courage, and pride. They saw the masses growing louder in their powerful cries, their engagement, and their great enthusiasm. They saw that immense steadfastness. Although the crowds were hearing and seeing airstrikes target the presidential palace and Al-Nahdain close to them, the demonstrations and all its activities continued until the end. This magnificent scene will remain etched in history as one of the most prominent testimonies and remarkable moments of our dear people. It will continue to inspire generations and serve as a profound lesson in unwavering faith, reliance on Allah, sincere determination, and great cohesion. As a result, the outcome was the opposite for our enemies; they are extremely frustrated by the million-strong demonstrations, which go hand in hand with the military operations and other activities.
The public activities in Yemen, including public assemblies, demonstrations, marches, evening events, and symposia, have exceeded more than 900,000 activities over the past fifteen months. This is unmatched in any country and on a global scale. That's why I say that when it comes to public activities, if you were to gather all the grassroots activities from around the world and compare them to the activities in Yemen, the activities in Yemen would weigh more heavily, even when compared to all world's activities as a whole.
In terms of training outcomes for mobilisation, there have been over 816,000 participants, alongside regular forces numbering in the hundreds of thousands and in addition to other training programs of the same purpose. Mobilisation activities, including military marches, military parades, and maneuvers, have reached a total of 3,770 activities.
The tribal gatherings, where the tribes of Yemen come out with their weapons, equipment, and men—who, as I said, form a ready military force and a solid core in facing all challenges—have extended to various governorates. The world has witnessed these courageous gatherings through the media. They witnessed their brave words, courageous stands, and statements that affirm steadfastness and commitment to this noble cause. Such gatherings extended to various governorates. The marches of last week reached eight hundred and eighty-two marches; therefore, they are of an upward trend in our country.
The distinctive feature of the Yemeni position in the Battle of the Promised Conquest and Holy Jihad, which set it apart from all other positions, is the integration of the official position with that of the people. This is a very splendid feature. In addition. the official position is aligned with the will of the people. The position of the official sector of the country, including the presidency of the Republic, the leadership of the Supreme Political Council, the council itself, as well as the government, its ministries, and institutions, was fully integrated with the position of the people. It expressed the will of the people, moving in the same direction, completely aligned, and fully adopting this position from the very first moment with courageous action.
Is there any action taken by the rest of the regimes and governments? Here in Yemen, both the previous government (the Government of National Salvation) and the succeeding government (the Government of Construction and Change) have remained aligned in the same direction. This position is represented at the highest official levels. Where is this position among the other governments? Did they take such a position, or dare to express the will of their peoples? Certainly, most peoples want there to be a serious and sincere position by their governments. Yet, their position remained weak and hesitant, and they even restrained their peoples. Therefore, integration is a distinctive feature of the Yemeni position.
Another distinctive feature of the Yemeni position is its level: It operates at a very high level, not limited, for example, to political and media efforts or merely popular activities. Instead, it is a very advanced position. It includes military operations at maximum capacity and ongoing efforts to do even more, targeting the Israeli enemy, engaging in direct confrontations with the Americans, and so on.
Another feature of the Yemeni position is the immense momentum it has. There is no other nation that has mobilised like the Yemeni people. The comprehensiveness of the position is another feature. It involves military and political action, spending despite the challenging circumstances, making efforts active on all fronts, including the media front, which is a strong and active front. Another feature to consider is steadfastness and persistence. The Yemeni position has remained steadfast and consistent despite the ongoing aggression, continuous pressure, and the relentless 24-hour media campaign led by Zionist mouthpieces.
The Yemeni position has persisted at such a high level, characterised by significant momentum, steadfastness, and continuity, despite numerous pressures: relentless political pressures, constant threats, and countless messages from advisers urging retreat or cessation. How numerous they are! However, none affected the Yemeni position. Why? That is because the Yemeni position is rooted in faith-based affiliation; these people whom the Messenger of Allah (PBUH&F) said about them, 'The belief is that of the Yemenites, and sagacity is that of the Yemenites,' embody through their position this faith-based affiliation, which is consistent with Allah's saying, {'The believers are only those who have believed in Allah and His Messenger and then doubt not and strive with their wealth and their lives in the cause of Allah: Such are the sincere ones'}[Al-Hujurat 49:15]. Here is sincerity. Sincerity is manifested in one's position, in the steadfastness of the position, and in the level of the position. Here, this sense of belonging to faith is revealed.
In the face of all rumours and exaggerations, our dear people have also embodied the faith-based position: {'Those who were warned, “Your enemies have mobilised their forces against you, so fear them.”}—there are those who attempted to intimidate our people with what the enemies prepare, with America, with its tools, with its capabilities, and with any developments in its favour—{The warning only made them grow stronger in faith and they replied, “Allah [alone] is sufficient [as an aid] for us and [He] is the best Protector"'}[Ali 'Imran 3:173]. Our dear people have drawn strength from the companionship of Allah, the Almighty. In other words, as long as we have Allah on our side with His help and support and rely on Him, we believe that we are in the best position of strength to face any challenge, no matter its magnitude. {'Allah [alone] is sufficient [as an aid] for us.'} Allah is enough for us, so even if all the nations of the world were to unite in aggression against us and try to deter us from our position, we would never retreat. Why? That is because we rely on the companionship of Allah. It is enough for us that Allah is with us, and that we are with Him, the Almighty.
This is also embodied even on the battlefield: {'When the believers saw the enemy alliance, they said, “This is what Allah and His Messenger had promised us. The promise of Allah and His Messenger has come true.” And this only increased them in faith and submission'}[Al-Ahzab 33:22]. Our dear people made a great and significant turnout, even after a full year of American aggression in support of Israel—in fact, our country has endured American aggression for years but not in support of the Israelis, as the Americans also supervised the [Saudi-led] coalition.
Our dear people have proudly and with great honour sacrificed martyrs—106 martyrs, and 328 wounded in the cause of Allah, the Almighty. It is a source of pride for us that we have sacrificed martyrs in support of the Palestinian people in their injustice, trials, and suffering, and that we did not stand by as mere spectators, as some did.
The Yemeni position remains steadfast in supporting the Palestinian people. The cause persists, and the path continues. There are rounds in this conflict, and we will prepare for any upcoming round to deliver greater performance, with more impactful actions, and greater support, Allah willing. The Yemeni position will also confront any attempts at retaliation, whether from the Israelis, the Americans, or those aligned with them, and any attempts to divert it from its faith-based, jihadist, and liberated orientation.
At the conclusion of the speech, we remind everyone of the responsibilities of the Ummah. It still has responsibilities to fulfil; the end of this round does not mean that the issue is over. The Palestinian people are oppressed, and the Ummah must stand by them to restore their full legitimate rights. The Israeli enemy, with its Zionist project, poses a threat to the entire Ummah and has expansionist ambitions. Were it not for this front, were it not for the steadfastness in the Gaza Strip, were it not for the fact that the enemy is too busy to expand into other Arab countries, it would have done much more. Therefore, the Ummah has a responsibility to fulfil.
After this round, there are those who bear the burden of complicity during this round—those who collaborated with the enemy. They bear a great burden and sin, and this has consequences for them in this world and the Hereafter. During this round, there are those who bore the burden of negligence, and their burden is also great—they are promised by Allah to face punishment in this world and the Hereafter. There are those who succeeded in taking action, standing firm, and contributing to the support of the Palestinian people, and this is a great blessing and success. There is a responsibility to keep exerting effort because the enemies have agenda they keep pursuing. During this period, they will work to eliminate the Palestinian cause and against the fronts of support and against our Ummah in general.
There are facts that must never be forgotten; the mask has fallen once again, as it is a fake, artificial facade that the Americans and Israelis try to create to cover up that ugly, criminal, and aggressive face. Despite all that criminal history throughout past historical stages, there are those who even assist them to conceal all the past crimes and try to present them again as friends to these peoples and this Ummah, while in fact, they are clear enemies with such criminality. Even the Americans—the Americans and Israelis are two sides of the same coin; they embody that level of criminality witnessed by the entire world in the Gaza Strip. This serves as significant evidence of what the counter position should be: How our peoples should be in terms of caution and readiness to effectively fend off that evil and threat.
Regarding the million-strong demonstration planned for tomorrow, Allah willing:
This is because the Americans will seek, in the coming phase, to isolate the Palestinian people once again, destabilise their internal situation, and eliminate the Palestinian cause. However, they are destined to fail because there is a divine promise of the demise of that criminal entity. It is a temporary entity, and its downfall is certain, as per the divine promise that never falters or changes. Nevertheless, the enemy seeks to isolate Palestine. The normalisation train will move forward, and efforts will be made to launch intense propaganda campaigns and to immerse nations into turmoil and crises so that they forget Palestine. This is their goal: to erase Palestine from memory and isolate it.
I say to all our brothers and sisters in the Palestinian people: You are not alone, nor will you ever stand alone. Allah is with you, and so are we. We will remain steadfast by your side until the complete liberation of Palestine and the ultimate demise of the oppressive, criminal, and temporary usurping entity. Tomorrow, Allah willing, our people will also affirm this position through their million-strong demonstration.
I call upon our dear people to greatly participate in the million-strong demonstration to culminate their sustained participation in demonstrations throughout this round. It is both a reaffirmation and declaration of our steadfast position in the capital, Sana'a, and the rest of the governorates, ensuring that the whole world hears this position tomorrow, Allah willing.
We hope, Allah willing, that it will be a great demonstration, marking the culmination of this great and honourable position, which will forever stand as a testament to our dear people's sincerity in their faith-based affiliation, their great values, their loyalty, and their courage in an era when true loyalty is scarce.
We ask Allah (Glory be to Him) to grant us all success in seeking what pleases Him, have mercy on our virtuous martyrs, heal the wounded among us, and set free our captives. We also ask Him to hasten victory and relief for the oppressed Palestinian people and their dear mujahidin.
Just as we stated at the beginning of this round, we now say at this crucial stage:
'Loyalty has never changed.
The pledge of the free remains.
May Allah watch over a soul that lives in freedom.'
Peace be upon you and the mercy of Allah and His blessings.